
Student Organization Conduct Policies

Student Organization Conduct Policies

The conduct of student organizations is incorporated into the University’s student conduct process and operates according to the rules and procedures of that system. For a detailed statement of the University's official guidelines governing student conduct, please refer to The Student Handbook. The following information serves as an outline to the conduct process for registered student clubs and organizations.


Any member of the University community may initiate a complaint against a registered student club or organization with the Dean of Students. Complaints may be submitted in writing to deanofstudents@barry.edu or to the Dean of Students Office at 305-899-3085.  The registered student organization president or designee shall be informed of the complaint by the Dean of Students or designee. Conduct procedures will be discussed with the registered student organization and then presented with the following options: 

  • To admit responsibility to the charge(s) and request an immediate Administrative Conduct Meeting to determine a sanction.
  • To deny the charge(s) and request an Administrative Conduct meeting to determine whether the organization is responsible for the allegations brought forth.

If the registered student organization president or designee fails to meet within the specified period of time, the case will be handled administratively and a decision will be rendered in the organization's absence.

In all cases where a registered student organization is found in violation, a specific sanction(s) shall be applied.


The following conduct sanctions may be imposed upon registered student organizations when they have been found responsible for violating conduct regulations. All sanctions may be imposed either individually or in combination. Conduct sanctions are imposed for the purpose of holding registered student organizations and their membership accountable for their actions and the actions of their guest(s), whether on campus or at any organization sponsored function.

  1. Warning
    official rebuke making the misconduct a matter of record in University files for a specified period of time. Any further misconduct could result in further disciplinary action.
  2. Restitution/Fines
    An organization may be ordered to make restitution when the organization has engaged in conduct injurious to property (individual, group or University) for which monetary damages may be ascertained. Restitution may be in the form of financial payment, community service or other special activities designated by the hearing authority. Additional fines may be assessed as a punitive measure.
  3. Limitation of Privileges
    Limitations upon a student organization's privileges for a period of time or an active obligation to complete a specified activity or activities. This sanction may include, for example, denial of housing or social privileges, etc.
  4. Disciplinary Probation
    A period of review and observation during which a student organization is under an official warning that their misconduct was very serious. Subsequent violations of university rules, regulations or policies could result in a more severe sanction including suspension. During the probationary period, a student organization is deemed "not in good standing" with the University and may be subject to but not limited to the following conditions and/or restrictions:
    • Receiving or retaining funding
    • Participating in intramurals
    • Sponsoring any social event
    • Sponsoring any speaker or guest on campus
    • Participating in any social event
    • Co-sponsoring any social event or other activity
    • Rush or membership recruitment
    • Use of University facilities/supplies
    • Denial of the right to represent the University;
    • Denial of the right to maintain an office or other assigned space on University property;
    • Denial of the privileges of:
  5. Suspension
    Suspension means denial of rights and privileges of a registered organization for a period not to exceed two (2) calendar years. Any organization whose registration is suspended or revoked must cease all organizational activities upon receipt of the notice of revocation or suspension. Any member of a suspended organization may not hold an appointed or elected office with that organization's governing body for the duration of the organization's period of suspension. Balances of all organizational funds granted by the SGA are to be surrendered to the custody of the SGA Treasurer. Office or housing space assigned by the University shall be vacated within five (5) business days (an organization summarily suspended may be required to vacate space more quickly) from the date the notice of suspension is issued. Space vacated due to suspension may be reassigned to other eligible University organizations. However, office or housing space assigned prior to suspension will not automatically be reassigned. The organization may reapply for a space assignment, subject to availability. Suspended organizations will automatically be placed on probationary status for a minimum of one academic year following their renewed registration.
  6. Permanent Revocation of Organization’s Registration
    Permanent revocation of an organization’s registration means it has lost all privileges of being a Barry student organization.  Any organization whose registration is permanently revoked must cease all organizational activities upon receipt of the notice of permanent revocation. Any member of an organization whose registration has been permanently revoked shall relinquish any appointed or elected office held with that organization's governing body. Balances of all organizational funds granted by the Student Government Association (SGA) Organization are to be surrendered to the custody of the SGA Treasurer. Office or housing space assigned by the University shall be vacated within five (5) business days.  An organization summarily suspended may be required to vacate space earlier than the five business days from the date the notice of suspension is issued. Space vacated due to suspension may be reassigned to other eligible University organizations.

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