
Smoking Policy


This policy applies to all members of the University community which includes, but is not limited to all students, faculty, staff, visitors, contractors and guests.  This policy applies to all activities on property owned, operated, leased, and/or controlled by 51²Ö¿â. 


51²Ö¿â prohibits smoking, including e-cigarettes or tobacco use of any kind, on all University owned, operated, leased, and/or controlled properties in order to maintain a healthy and safe environment for its faculty, staff, students, and visitors. 


  • Smoking:  Inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, or other inhalant device in which tobacco, tobacco substitute, or other material is smoked. Cigarette and Cigar (Blunt): A small roll, generally wrapped in paper, of cut tobacco, tobacco substitute, or other leaf content.
  • Pipe:  A tube with a small bowl at one end, in which tobacco, tobacco substitute, or other material is smoked.
  • Property:  Buildings and structures, grounds, parking structures, walkways, sidewalks, parking lots, and vehicles, as well as personal vehicles in these areas. 


    1. Effective implementation of this policy depends upon the courtesy and cooperation of all members of the University community, not only with regard to person compliance but encouraging others to comply with the policy.
    2. The University will provide access for faculty members, staff members, and students interested in cessation services, including but not limited to Nicotine Replacement Therapy; individual, group, telephone, and online counseling through AHEC. 
    1. Tobacco use may be permitted for educational, clinical, or religious ceremonial purposes with prior approval of appropriate divisional vice president or Provost.
    2. Tobacco use may be permitted for controlled research with prior approval of the Dean and Provost. All university research policies must be adhered to.
    3. Smoke, like any other laboratory air contaminant generated, shall be controlled locally in a chemical hood or other exhaust system that provides 100 percent exhaust to the outside.
    4. Tobacco use may be permitted at shared facilities, which are governed by the policies of that facilities owner.
  • All University employees, students, visitors, guests and contractors are required to comply with this policy which shall remain in effect at all times. Initial compliance will be peer enforced.  Ongoing refusal to comply with this policy may be cause for disciplinary action in accordance with employee and student conduct policies. Refusal to comply with the policy by visitors, guests, and contractors may be grounds for removal from campus. 

Related Information

For additional information related to this policy, frequently asked questions, and cessation resources, visit the or .

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