
Conduct Standings

A student’s status regarding conduct is regulated by the following definitions:

Good Standing

This status indicates that a student has been duly enrolled in the University and is eligible to participate in all activities of the University. A student is presumed to be in good standing unless the student forfeits that status by established misconduct.


This status indicates that a student has been notified through email or letter communication from a staff member identifying an issue or concern that can be remedied by informing or reminding the student of the university’s rules and expectations. Students who receive warning notifications are not charged with any violations, but they are cautioned that further behavior of the same or similar type will be subject to violations of the Student Code of Conduct which may result in formal sanctions by the University.

Housing Probation

This status indicates that a student’s behavior has raised serious questions concerning the student’s status as a resident.  The student will be given a stated period during which his/her conduct will establish whether he/she is to be returned to good standing by having met definite requirements in behavior or whether he/she is to be dismissed from University housing. 

Suspension From Housing

This status indicates the involuntary separation of the student from University housing and/or that the student’s university housing contract has been terminated for a specific period of time. During the period of suspension, the suspended student will not be allowed on any of the University housing facilities.

Expulsion From Housing

This status indicates a permanent dismissal from housing, which prohibits the student from living or being a guest in any university or campus housing. The student is required to pay room and board for the remainder of the semester in which the dismissal takes effect.   

University Probation

This status indicates that the student's behavior has raised serious questions concerning the student's status as a member of the University community. The student will be given a stated period during which his/her conduct will establish whether he/she is to be returned to good standing by demonstrating that he/she will not engage in further violations and by having met all educational probationary requirements. The sanction of University Probation may be imposed on a student by the conduct review process, or by the Dean of Students/Associate Dean of Students or his/her designee.

Parents of students placed on disciplinary probation may be notified by the Dean of Student/Assistant Dean of Students or his/her designee.  

If while on disciplinary probation a student is found responsible for a further infraction of University policies/regulations and/or the Student Code of Conduct, the student will be subject to the possibility of suspension/expulsion from the University and/or University housing.

Interim University Suspension

The immediate separation of a student from the University or University facilities, as authorized by the Dean of Students/ Assistant Dean of Students or his/her designated representative. The interim suspension takes place when the continued presence of a person constitutes a danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the University community or University property. At the time a student is interim suspended, the individual affected shall be informed of a right to a conduct meeting without undue delay. The student shall remain dismissed until the completion of the conduct review process at which time the student’s status will be determined. During this period, the student is not allowed on campus or any University property (owned, leased, or managed) nor any university event.

Interim Suspension Of Privilege

An immediate, temporary suspension that remains in effect until the conduct review process has been completed. An interim suspension of privilege prohibits the student from participating in specified activities including but not limited to athletic events, intercollegiate, intramural or varsity sports, housing, campus events, classroom, lab, fitness facility, on-campus parking, etc.

Suspension Of Privilege

This status indicates a suspension which prohibits the student from participating in specified activities or from entering certain university buildings or facilities or other areas of the university for the period of the suspension. The sanction of Suspension of Privilege may be imposed on a student by the conduct review process, or by the Dean of Students/ Associate Dean of Students or his/her designee.


The status of suspension indicates an involuntary separation of the student from the University for a stated time due to serious or repeated violations of the Student Code of Conduct and/or any stated University policy and/or for undesirable conduct on the part of the student. The Student Conduct Process or the Dean of Students may impose this penalty.   Suspension requires petitioning on the part of the student when specific conditions must be met before the student is eligible for readmission.

  1. Parents of a student who is suspended may be so notified by the Dean of Students/ Associate Dean of Students or his/her designee if student is a minor.
  2. Statement of offense and decision will be placed in the student's conduct file.
  3. A student suspended for conduct reasons shall not be entitled to any claim or refund.
  4. During the period of suspension, the suspended student will not be allowed on any University property, owned, or leased, and/or attend any University sponsored event, on or off-campus 


This status, the most serious student conduct action taken by the University, indicates the immediate, involuntary and/or permanent separation of a student from the University because of established gross misconduct on the part of a student.

  1. After notice of expulsion, a student must leave the campus immediately.  The student will not be allowed on any University owned or leased property and/or attend any University sponsored event, on or off-campus 
  2. The expelled student does not have the privilege to apply for readmission to Barry. 
  3. The Dean of Students/ Associate Dean of Students may notify parents of the University's decision to expel a student if the student is a minor. 
  4. A record of the conduct meeting, sanction(s), and/or appeal will be placed in the student's conduct file. 
  5. A student expelled for conduct reasons at any time shall not be entitled to any claim or refund.

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