

Fall 2024

Course Withdrawal

Students withdrawing from a course(s)* must do so officially by obtaining the Course Withdrawal Form from either their advisor or the Office of the Registrar. Students are encouraged to meet with the Office of Financial Aid to review the financial ramifications before withdrawing. The Course Withdrawal Form must be signed by the student, academic advisor, and the course instructor (signature of instructor is required for courses in the College of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Health and Wellness). Once all the above signatures are obtained, the completed Course Withdrawal Form must be received by the Office of the Registrar within seven working days from the date signed by the academic advisor or by the published withdrawal deadline date, whichever comes first. The effective date of course withdrawal will be the date on which the notice is received by the academic advisor.

  • No withdrawals (university or course) will be accepted after the deadline. This policy is strictly enforced.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to initiate a withdrawal during the designated withdrawal period. Otherwise, an F grade will be issued at the end of the term.
  • Students withdrawing (W) individual courses (withdrawal period) and who are still enrolled in the University are NOT ENTITLED to any refund or credit.
  • Ø Students dropping courses during the Period of Schedule Adjustment (Add/Drop period) will receive total credit for the courses and special course fees.
  • *If student is withdrawing from all coursework within a semester, a University Withdrawal Form must be completed whether the student is returning the next semester or is permanently leaving the university.

Withdrawal schedule for individual courses (course withdrawal) for Fall 2024:

STUDENT CATEGORY              DATE                                        GRADE EARNED

UNDERGRADUATE                 09/02/24 – 11/08/24                  W

GRADUATE                             09/02/24 – 11/08/24                   W

Course withdrawal forms will not be accepted after November 8, 2024

Total Withdrawal Policy from the University

Official University Withdrawal
Students withdrawing from the University must do so officially by submitting a written notice of withdrawal to the dean of their respective school before the deadline for withdrawing (dates for each semester/term are available online at http://www.barry.edu/classschedule. The effective date of withdrawal will be the date on which the notice is received by the dean. The university withdrawal form must be signed by the academic advisor and the dean, and then sent to the office of Financial Aid and lastly to the Office of the Registrar for final processing.

Thinking about Withdrawing from a Semester?

Credit toward Tuition and Fees schedule for Total Withdrawal for Fall 2024

For purposes of determining the percentage of credit, the first week of classes will be considered the start of the semester upon which credits will be based:

From 08/26/24                  through 09/01/24               100%

From 09/02/24                  through 09/15/24                80%

From 09/16/24                  through 09/22/24                50%

After September 22, 2024 there is NO CREDIT.
All fees other than tuition, room and board are not refundable. Special course fees are not refundable.

Withdrawal schedule for Total Withdrawal for Fall 2024

STUDENT CATEGORY                DATE                               GRADE EARNED

UNDERGRADUATE                  09/02/24 – 11/08/24       W

GRADUATE                              09/02/24 – 11/08/24       W

Refund Policy for Title IV Funds:

If a student withdraws completely from the institution during any given enrollment period, calculations must be performed to determine what amount of the student Title IV federal financial aid is to be returned. Refunds of Title IV monies are calculated in accordance with Federal Regulations. If a student has attended 51ֿ before, a standard calculation based on the institutional refund policy will be used to determine the amount of Title IV funds to be returned. This calculation will be used through the established period of institutional refund. If this calculation indicates that monies should be returned, a specific order of refund has been established by the federal government. The order of distribution of refunds is specified as follows:

  1. To outstanding balances on Federal Family Education Loan Programs (Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Loans and PLUS loans).
  2. To outstanding balances on Perkins Loans
  3. To the Federal Pell Grant
  4. To the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  5. To other Title IV assistance
  6. To the student

Calculation of refunds to Title IV funds for students attending 51ֿ for the first time must be determined using the pro rata formula based on the percentage of the enrollment period remaining after the student withdraws. For these students, calculations to determine refunds to Title IV funds will be made up to the 60% point in any given period of enrollment. The order of distribution of refunds is specified above.

For additional information on refunds to Title IV sources, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at (305) 899-3673 or 1-800-695-2279.

Refund Policy for State of Florida Funds

A refund will be due to the State of Florida when a student is not enrolled full-time at the end of the institution established add/drop period. The State requires a full refund of monies.


  • Withdrawal from the University prior to August 26, 2024 includes a $225.00 FEE.
  • Refunds must be claimed within one calendar year.
  • A student dismissed for academic or disciplinary reasons at any time shall not be entitled to any claim or refund.
  • When a student has been awarded financial aid, the financial aid programs from which the funds were disbursed will be refunded in accordance with formulas required by federal regulations.
  • Refunds of credit balances that result from credit card payments will be made directly to the original credit card

Non-Attendance or Stopped Attending/Administrative Withdrawal Policy


In order to comply with federal student aid requirements, the Office of the Registrar contacts class instructors after the second week of the term to request that they verify in Web Advisor which students listed on their class roster(s) have not attended any class sessions or participated in an academic-related activity.

An academic-related activity is defined by the U.S. Department of Education, and includes:

  • Physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between instructor and students
  • Submitting an academic assignment
  • Taking an exam, an interactive tutorial or computer assisted instruction
  • Participating in an online discussion about academic matters
  • Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course

An academic-related activity does NOT include:

  • Logging into an online class (without active participation)
  • Academic counseling or advising

Students who are marked as “never attended” for all of their classes in the term are administratively withdrawn from the University by the Office of the Registrar. The students’ courses are deleted (non-punitive) and their financial aid is canceled. The student, his/her academic advisor, course instructor(s) and the Financial Aid and Housing Offices are notified of this withdrawal.

Students who are reported as “never attended” for one or some of their courses (but not all) are assigned a “W” grade for the “never attended” course(s) in the fourth week of class by the Office of the Registrar unless notification via email is received by the Registrar’s Office from the instructor stating the student is now attending class. The student, his/her academic advisor, course instructor(s) and the Financial Aid and Housing Offices are notified of this/these course withdrawal(s).

Stopped Attending

Students who stop attending classes shall be considered as having been administratively withdrawn and may be required to repay a portion of the federal financial aid for that term. Ceasing to attend classes will result in non-passing grades, therefore, it is imperative that the student speak with his/her instructor(s) if personal or academic difficulties are encountered which disrupt class attendance. Grades, financial aid, and housing can potentially be affected by dropping out of class(es). Early intervention and action reduces complications for all concerned.

During final grade entry in Web Advisor, a course instructor will enter the last date of attendance along with a non-passing grade “F or NC”. The non-passing grade may be due to poor academic performance or because the student has stopped attending class.

At the end of each term, all federal financial aid recipients who receive non-passing grades, “F” and “NC”, are reported to the Office of Financial Aid. Financial Aid staff will calculate the Return of Title IV funds amount to be returned to federal financial aid programs, if any, in accordance with federal regulations. Any refund owed to a federal financial aid program is the student’s responsibility and will appear as a charge on the student’s account.

If a student’s instructor initiates a course withdrawal or the student’s academic advisor completes a University Withdrawal after a discussion with the student, then the student does not fall under the Unofficial Withdrawal Policy and will be assigned final grades(s) according to the University’s Course/University Withdrawal Policy.

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