
Safety and Security Policies

Housing Policies and Procedures

Safety and Security Policies

The university provides security staff and guidelines to assist with each resident's safety. Public Safety can be reached from residence hall rooms by dialing 305.899.3333.

The cooperation of each resident is essential and ultimate responsibility for safety and security lies with each student. Irresponsible use of keys and the propping open of locked doors endanger residents' personal safety and property and are subject to severe disciplinary action.

Public Safety has officers on duty twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. You can always find an officer in the gatehouse located in the south entrance to the campus at NE 111th Street, between Dalton House and Mottram-Doss Hall.

  • The following are simple precautions you can take to protect yourself at all times:
  • Never walk around campus unescorted in the dark.
  • Always keep your door locked.
  • Never leave your door or any entrance door to a housing facility open.
  • Always have your keys with you. Don't lend them to anyone and don't leave them lying around.
  • Report any lost or stolen key to the Department of Housing and Residence Life immediately.
  • Have your keys ready to open your car or room.
  • Avoid dark paths or shortcuts. Walk along lighted paths or sidewalks.
  • Let your roommate(s)/suitemate(s) know where you are going and when you'll be returning.
  • Report any suspicious activities to your RA and/or public safety.
  • If you are a victim of a crime, report the incident to your RA, Public Safety and/or the Miami Shores Police Department.
  • Carry identification at all times.
  • Do not leave valuables (including keys, wallet, credit cards, ATM card, ID card) in plain sight.
  • Record serial numbers of all valuables (stereo, computer, bike, etc.).
  • Make sure your belongings are covered against fire, theft, etc. by your insurance policy. Know the terms and conditions of your specific policy before you have to file a claim.
  • Do not leave personal items including, but not limited to, laptop computers, books, wallets, purses, backpacks, keys, unattended.
  • Do not allow anyone without keys into any University Housing community. Direct them to a courtesy phone.


Physical violence toward another person or group, or actions that endanger the health, safety or welfare of a person or group is prohibited. Interference with the freedom of another person or group to move about in a lawful manner is prohibited. Physical altercations will not be tolerated and may result in contract termination and further university disciplinary actions.


Students can call 305-899-3333 to get a public safety escort to take them from one resident hall to another on a golf cart. This is limited to residence halls on campus. This service is offered so students can feel safe to move around campus late at night. The services runs from 8:00pm to 4:00am


Under Florida law, it is a crime to intentionally set a fire, intentionally cause a false fire alarm, or interfere with fire safety or detection equipment or measures, (Florida Statute 806.10 and Florida Statute, Section 806.101). During the academic year, students will be informed about emergency evacuation of University Housing. Each building/apartment is equipped with a fire alarm system. These systems are regularly inspected. Smoke detectors are located in every apartment/suite area. Emergency lights are located in the hallways and stairwells of each community. Fire extinguishers are located in hallways or community areas of each community. There will be one fire drill within the first three weeks of the fall, spring and summer A semesters. It is essential that all students evacuate the apartment/building whenever the fire alarm is activated. Failure to do so may jeopardize the safety of all residents and will result in disciplinary action and a fine of $150.00. Special precautions should be taken by all students to reduce the danger of fire in their living areas.

When resident students hear their building's fire alarm, they are expected to:

  • Immediately exit the building, closing their room door;
  • Always assume an emergency, never a false alarm;
  • Use stairs, not elevators;
  • Assemble in the designated meeting place for your area posted below. The Housing and Residence Life staff will notify residents when it is safe to re-enter the building.
  • Once outside the building, follow the direction of Housing and Residence Life staff.
  • When evacuating the building, residents should be fully clothed as they may be outside of the building for an extended period of time.
  • See your RA for area specific information regarding building evacuation.
  • If the door or handle is warm to the touch or smoke is in the hallway, stay in the room with the door closed, call 911, and attract attention at a window; and
  • Crawl on floor or stairs, where air is fresher, if smoke is encountered.

When resident students see smoke or fire, they are instructed to:

  • Pull the nearest building alarm
  • Close their room door and safely exit the building
  • Call 911
  • Never attempt to fight or put out a fire
  • Tell fire authorities or Police the location of fire or smoke
  • Assemble in the designated meeting place for your area posted below. The Residence Life staff will notify residents when it is safe to re-enter the building
  • Once outside the building, follow the direction of Housing and Residence Life staff
  • When evacuating the building, residents should be fully clothed as they may be outside of the building for an extended period of time
  • See your RA for area specific information regarding building evacuation


  • Browne: Sand Volleyball Court
  • Sage: Grass Area in Back of Weber
  • D&D: Grass Area in Back of Weber
  • Weber: Grass Area Left of Pool
  • MD: Across first parking lot in front of powers
  • Flood: Across first parking in front of powers
  • Kolasa: Grass area in between athletics and Kolasa Hall
  • Benincasa: Grass area towards athletic fields


The use or storage of flammable fluid, hazardous liquids or chemicals is not permitted in University Housing. Tampering with or damaging fire safety equipment (including automatic door closures, smoke detectors, pull stations, fire extinguishers, sprinkler heads, etc.), initiating false alarms, stopping existing fire alarms, or failing to immediately evacuate during a fire alarm are violations of State fire codes. Violations of State fire codes will result in University disciplinary action and are punishable under state law. Residents must cooperate with staff and participate in fire and other emergency drills, including exiting the building, going to designated shelters and following the direction of University Housing staff, safety officials or both.


Residents who receive obscene/harassing telephone calls are asked to contact his or her RA or the Housing and Residence Life Office immediately. The resident will be asked to contact Public Safety as well as Miami Shores Police to make a report and keep a log of the calls they receive as call tracing is not possible. Unit telephone numbers will not be changed.


Conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive campus educational or work environment for another person or group is prohibited. This includes activities that may take place through electronic medium such as social networking sites (Facebook and Myspace). Conduct that threatens, harms or intimidates another person or group is prohibited. Should you become a victim of harassment, please contact Housing and Residence Life or another university staff member.


For health and safety reasons, certain items are prohibited in students' rooms, including but not limited to: live Christmas trees, candles, incense, appliances with open coils, and kerosene lamps. Room dividers, hanging objects or materials that restrict open space are prohibited. In addition, fireworks, gasoline, and/or other combustible items are not permitted in any university housing unit. Motorcycles and fuel driven engines are not permitted anywhere inside university housing. Housing and Residence Life staff reserves the right to confiscate all prohibited and/or hazardous items


June through November is hurricane season in Florida. To provide for your safety, the University has developed emergency hurricane procedures. Once a hurricane watch is announced on the campus by the administration, immediate action will be taken. Your safety and the safety of others are dependent upon adherence to established procedures. Each resident must report to their RA in the designated area of their respective hall.

Students who choose to seek shelter must abide by all security precautions and instructions issued by the Director of Housing and Residence Life or his delegate. Resident students who choose to stay off-campus must give their RA the name of the person with whom they are staying and an address and telephone number where they may be reached. This information will be communicated only to parents or guardians.

In the event a hurricane threatens the South Florida area, the National Weather Service will issue warning information through public releases through the press, radio, and television. Pay close attention to official announcements from the National Hurricane Center and the Department of Housing and Residence Life. Do not pay attention to rumors. Current information will be available through the following sources:

  • posted on the bulletin boards outside RA rooms
  • posted on the door of each room
  • broadcast on the Barry TV channel
  • posted on bulletin board outside the Housing and Residence Life Office

Should evacuation be mandatory, we encourage all students who can to go home, and if possible, take a friend or two with you. If you do not have a place to go, University Housing will transport students to and from a Red Cross Approved Shelter. Please contact your RA, or the Housing Office at 305-899-3875 if you anticipate needing to go to into Shelter.

A shelter is a last resort. If you plan to go into shelter, remember to bring the following: bottled water, snacks, prescription and emergency medication, extra clothing, pillows, blankets and other comfort items, hygiene supplies, cash, any special dietary food, cards, games, a battery powered radio and a flash light. Please remember to bring all important documentation such as your driver's license, visas, I-20's and passports. Please make sure that your I-20 has been signed within the last year of its issuance. Shelters will have a team of volunteers including a nurse to register you and look after your well being. While shelters will provide meals such as sandwiches and soups, it will take time to get the food set up and served so you should eat before you leave campus. Foods served will be simple and conditions may be very crowded. Remember a shelter is not designed for comfort; it is designed to save your life!

If the campus is evacuated, please take your bicycle into your room. In addition, please do not forget to bring all medical prescriptions, money, enough clothing, etc. If there is a mandatory evacuation, students will not be permitted back on campus!

Residence hall windows are not sealed closed; therefore we encourage all residents to move belongings off floors and away from windows. All residents are also encouraged to move beds away from windows. Please see your RA for plastic bags to cover any electronic belongings you may have.

You must contact your RA if you are leaving campus for this storm event; as you must complete paperwork designating where you are going in the event of an emergency. There will be a sign out sheet on your RA's door beginning this evening.

For the most current information regarding the University's status, please visit the Emergency Preparedness Website.


Residents of University Themed Housing and apartments must follow evacuation procedures. No one will be allowed to stay in the houses and/or apartments once the Department of Housing and Residence Life issues an evacuation notice.


Locks may not be tampered with or damaged. Locks may not be added on any doors in the student's unit, nor may they be changed or replaced except by authorized University Housing personnel. University Housing exterior doors may not be propped open.


When completing RCRs upon checking-in to an assigned space, the student will have the option to identify an individual to be contacted no later than 24 hours after the time the student is determined missing. This person will be the emergency contact designated.

If a student is under the age of 18 and is not emancipated; the Department of Housing and Residence Life is required to notify the emergency contact designee no later than 24 hours following the determination that the student is missing. This contact will be the emergency contact listed on the emergency contact form all students fill out during the check-in process. It is up to all students to ensure that the Department of Housing and Residence Life has the most up to date emergency contact information. Housing and Residence Life will make every effort to ensure that these records are accurate and up to date.

If a student is thought to be missing, 51²Ö¿â Department of Housing and Residence Life will make the determination of whether the student has been missing and for how long. Should the student be determined to be missing for 24 hours or more, Housing and Residence Life staff will contact the Department of Public Safety and the designated emergency contact. In addition, the Director of Housing and Residence Life and the Associate Vice-President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students will be contacted.


Phones, identified by yellow polls, are posted in various locations around campus. If you have concerns for your safety, are in danger or wish to have a security escort, simply follow the instructions posted. The phones are connected directly to the University Public Safety Department. These phones are only to be used in case of emergency. Tampering with or making a false call on these phones will result in University Housing disciplinary action.


In case of a severe weather warning, residents should close all windows and blinds/curtains and stay clear of window openings or doors with glass panels. All electrical appliances should be unplugged. Adhere to the instructions of the Housing and Residence Life staff members and/or other public officials.


The University and the Department of Housing and Residence Life are committed to maintaining a community in which students and staff may live and work in an atmosphere that is free of all forms of sexual misconduct. The University and the Department of Housing and Residence Life will not tolerate sexual misconduct, harassment, exploitation, intimidation, or coercion. See the University sexual harassment policy for additional information.

Tram Service – 8:00am – 12:00am
This service will take students from the Landon Student Union to overflow parking on campus.


Individuals who are not authorized, licensed or invited to enter University Housing facilities and the immediate surrounding areas are subject to arrest for trespassing if they fail to leave after being directed to do so. Any person soliciting will be considered trespassing. Persons who receive trespass notices will not be permitted to live in University Housing and will be referred to the Dean of Student Affairs. Knowingly hosting persons under trespass notice is prohibited and may lead to disciplinary action.


Possession, storage or use of firearms including but not limited to bi-bi guns and paintball guns, explosives, fireworks, ammunition or other weapons or dangerous articles or substances is prohibited. Possession of weapons may result in removal from University Housing. If you have a question on the status of a weapon, please contact the Department of Housing and Residence Life for information at 305-899-3875.

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