
Residence Hall Policies

Housing Policies and Procedures

Policies for Community Living


Residents may bring their personal TVs to campus. Access to the local cable TV is provided in each room. This service provides basic cable TV channels. Running cable wiring from the cable outlet to other outlets is prohibited. Outside antennas, cable splicing, satellite dishes or adding additional televisions to the central service are not permitted. Any alteration or tampering with cable equipment or connections is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. Residents experiencing trouble with cable service should complete a Work Order Request at the Housing Office. Telephone lines are activated in all buildings. Students experiencing telephone problems should contact the housing main office to put in a work order.


Students living in all facilities are required to have a meal plan.

Only low wattage appliances which do not produce grease, smoke-laden vapors or that have no open elements are permitted in university housing. Microwaves and refrigerators are permitted in all other housing areas, as long as it does not exceed six (6) cubic feet.

Microwaves can also be brought by residents as long as they do not exceed 500 watts in power.

Items permitted include: hot air popcorn popper, small electric grill (i.e. George Foreman grill), toaster oven, small convection oven, food processor, crock pot, blender, electric mixer and coffee maker. Items not mentioned as permitted are prohibited. Housing and Residence Life staff will request that the resident remove any unauthorized appliance or may remove the appliance until the resident finds arrangements for the items outside of University Housing, (Removal of Unapproved Items).

±õ³Ù±ð³¾²õÌýnot permitted include:Ìýtoasters, deep fryers, hot plates, appliances with open heating elements.

Grills are not permitted at all in the Residence Halls or on the grounds of the Residence Hall area.ÌýThe use of grills is not permitted under any covered walkways, landings, entrances, balconies or stairwells. Possession of propane grills, hibachis and gas grills in student living areas are prohibited. Vending machines are located throughout campus. Vandalism will result in disciplinary action.


Appropriate oversight of community areas is the responsibility of all residents. Students will be notified indicating when Community Damage Charges will be assessed. Damages which occur in a unit will be charged to the student(s) assigned to the unit at a rate which includes actual replacement and labor costs. Public area damages will be charged to those identified as responsible. Any damages occurring in community areas are assumed, unless otherwise indicated, to be caused by residents and/or their guests. Public area damages not charged to a specific individual may be charged to all residents of a floor, building or unit and are referred to as Community Damages. Community Damage Charges will be divided equally among all community residents. It is at the discretion of the University Housing Staff when repair or replacement of damaged items will take place.


A resident requesting any type of delivery, including food, is responsible for meeting the delivery person at the entrance of his/her residence hall at the time of delivery. Desk Assistants/Public Safety personnel will not accept deliveries of any type on behalf of any student.


51²Ö¿â resident-student meal plans are designed with the needs and diversity of the resident student population in mind. Each semester, upon checking into the residence halls, resident students must choose a meal plan from several options. Please refer to Dining Services for detailed descriptions of the meal plans available to resident students.

You cannot change your meal plan once you have submitted your choice at the beginning of each semester. Meal plan weeks begin with breakfast on Fridays and end after dinner on Thursdays. Unused meals do not carry over from week to week. Unused "dining dollars" do not carry over from semester to semester.


    Students are required to present their valid university I.D. card when entering theDining Hall. Meal plans and I.D. cards are for the personal use of each student only. No one else may use your I.D. card to enter the Dining Hall to eat. Students who attempt to enter the Dining Hall without I.D., or who are found attempting to use another student's I.D. may face disciplinary action.


    Students are expected to be courteous to fellow patrons and Dining Services personnel at all times.


    All Dining Hall patrons – students, guests, faculty and staff – are required to clear their table and deposit trays, plates, cups and utensils in the proper location before leaving the Dining Hall.


    In certain situations, meals may be prepared in advance and packed "to go" for students whose individual schedules conflict with scheduled meal times. Students must meet criteria as stipulated by Dining Services policy in order to be eligible for this service. Students may see the Manager of Dining Services in order to discuss requests for boxed meals.


University Housing staff may determine whether or not a gathering exceeds safe occupancy and may require some or all guests or non-residents to vacate a University Housing area including student rooms, lounges and lobbies. Students may not engage in any actions that impair, interfere with or obstruct the orderly conduct, processes and functions of University Housing or which violate the rules or policies set forth in this Guidebook. A student whose conduct violates both Department of Housing and Residence Life rules or policies and University disciplinary rules will be subject to disciplinary action by both the Department of Housing and Residence Life and the Dean of Students.


Providing false information, withholding information or providing misleading information to a University official or disciplinary hearing officer or review body is prohibited. Acting on behalf of another person, group or the University without authorization or prior consent of that individual or group is prohibited.


51²Ö¿â has open visitation; students may have guests twenty-four hours a day, however residents may only allow the use of their assigned spaces consistent with the following:\

Residents may not permit any additional individuals regardless of gender to live in their spaces (cohabitation prohibited). All guests must be escorted by the resident who is responsible for the guest at all times. All guest visits must be approved by all roommate/suitemates. In no instance may a resident host a guest for an excess of nine nights total per semester.

Hosts are required to be familiar with University Housing rules and policies and to familiarize their guests with the rules and policies. Guests of Barry residents need to abide by all Housing and Residence Life policies and the Student Code of Conduct. If a guest violates any policy, rules or regulations, the resident who is hosting the guest will be held responsible for the guest's actions and will be subject to appropriate conduct sanctions.

Overnight visits of same gender guest(s) of residents in all residential units are permitted for up to three consecutive nights in a resident's assigned University Housing space as long as all suitemates/roommates consent to the guests staying. Cohabitation, which is defined as overnight visits with a romantic partner are prohibited, as it is incompatible with the Catholic character of the university and with the rights of the roommate(s). Residents are not permitted to assign or sublease their assigned spaces.

Residents are required to register their guests with the front desk staff upon entry into a residence hall. In order to ensure adequate security in university housing, both residents and guests must present 51²Ö¿â or government-issued identification to designated university staff (Resident Assistants, Desk Assistants, Public Safety, etc.) upon request. Refusal to present identification will result in denial of admittance to the residence halls.


A BUC card or other form of identification with a picture must be presented upon request of a University Housing staff member or other University officials. Presenting a false identification or impersonating another person or a University official is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.


Students may not dispose of litter in any form on University grounds or facilities. This includes, but is not limited to, cigarette butts, flyers, cans, bottles, etc. Students will be held responsible for the cost of clean-up.


Throwing any object from a window, ledge, roof or balcony or within the courtyards adjacent to University Housing is prohibited. The use of slingshots, air-soft guns, bi-bi guns, paintball guns, or other related items is prohibited.


At no time should residents' noise level interfere with the academic community. Loud talking or music, bouncing a ball, skateboarding, in-line skating, or other disruptive activities in rooms, courtyards, balconies, stairwells, elevated walkways, patios, multi-purpose areas or lobby areas is prohibited. Stereos, radios, TVs, and other sound systems may not be played so loudly that they disturb others. Speakers may not be placed in windows. Residents are responsible for turning down sound systems or discontinuing noisy activity if requested to do so by another resident or staff member at any time.


During quiet hours, loud playing of radios, stereos or any other noisy activity is prohibited. Quiet hours are enforced at these times regardless of holidays or semester breaks. During final examination periods, quiet hours will be enforced 24 hours per day, beginning at 10 p.m. on the last full day of classes extending through the last day of final examinations.


Residents are encouraged to recycle when possible.


Door to door solicitation, sales and canvassing are not permitted. Door-to-door distribution of flyers or leaflets or the placement of these items on cars is prohibited. Posting flyers on bulletin boards, walls and windows is prohibited. Students may not engage in any sales, business, marketing, or telemarketing activities in their units or within any public area of the University Housing facilities.


Social gatherings, parties, and meetings in individual rooms are subject to all municipal, state, and federal laws, as well as university policies. The number of people in a room at any time including residents of the room (unit) must be limited as follows:

9/10 person unit 20 people
5/6 person unit 12 people
4 person unit 8 people
2/3 person unit 6 people
1 person unit 3 people


Charging an admission fee to or advertising any party or gathering is strictly prohibited. Residential Life staff reserves the right to disperse a gathering when residents and/or guests are in violation of any university policy, or are causing undue disturbance to the community.


In an effort to keep the residence halls clean, comfortable and pest-free, the Department of Housing and Residence Life has designated an area for each building's trash disposal. All resident students are required to deposit trash into designated trash areas for each residence hall. Students may not deposit trash outside their room doors, in hallways and/or in common area trash cans. Fines will be imposed on students who fail to adhere to the appropriate disposal of trash.

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