
Operational Policies

Housing Policies and Procedures

Students With Disabilities

If you are a student with a documented disability seeking specialized housing, please contact the Office of Disability Services at 305-899-3844 (voice/TTY.) You must be registered with the Office of Accessibility Services in order to receive accommodations. All accommodations are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Assistance: RA On Duty

One resident assistant from each of the residence halls; Benincasa, Kolasa, Flood, MD, D&D, Sage, Weber, and Brown, is on duty Monday through Thursday from 5:00 PM – 8:30 AM the following day. On Friday and Saturday, there is a RA on duty from 5:00 PM - 5:00 PM the following day. The RA duty calendar is posted in each of the residence halls. Additionally, Public Safety will have a list of all RAs on duty as well. The RA on duty conducts nightly rounds in University Housing and completes a nightly duty log.


Residents are required to check-in to their assigned room on designated dates at designated times. Assignments may be provided to some students in advance. Some room assignments will not be available until the time of check-in. During check-in, a resident will receive key(s), a Room Condition Report (RCR), and other pertinent information from the Department of Housing and Residence Life. Residents are expected to read all documents received at check-in from the Department of Housing and Residence Life personnel or in their student mailbox/university email account. Residents are responsible for knowing the contents of these documents.


Check-out occurs at the end of both the fall and spring academic semesters, students must leave 24 hours after their last final exam. The exceptions to this rule include graduating seniors and those who have prior authorization from the Department of Housing and Residence Life. You can check-out with your resident assistant by signing up with them 48 hours prior to the desired check-out time. Residents need to leave their rooms clean and orderly state by discarding all trash, clean all rooms and appliances, lock doors and windows, and close all blinds. If it applies, residents must turn the thermostat to the middle setting. It is important for each resident to read all check-out information posted and received in his/her mailbox or sent via university email carefully and completely. If a student withdraws or is dismissed from the University, check-out is 48 hours after the event occurs.

For Winter Break

All students must vacate their residence halls 24 hours after their last final exam. You may leave your belongings in your room if you are planning on returning for the spring semester. It is important that all electrical appliances are unplugged. It is strongly advised that all valuables are removed from the room. You can check-out with your resident assistant by signing up with them 48 hours prior to the desired check-out time. Your resident assistant will inspect your room and collect your key(s) at this time.

For Summer Break

All students that are not living on campus for summer classes must vacate their rooms within 24 hours of their last final exam. You must remove ALL personal belonging and trash from your room to avoid fines. Any items left in the room will be discarded and a removal fine will be assessed. You can check-out with your resident assistant by signing up with them 48 hours prior to the desired check-out time. Your resident assistant will inspect your room and collect your key(s) at this time.

There will be a $150 per day charge for any resident who does not officially check out of his or her University Housing assigned space by the designated time. Look for closing documentation and ask your RA for more details on our check-out procedure. In the case of eviction, the university will not be held responsible for the belongings of the resident and reserves the right to take possession and/or discard the belongings, change locks, and charge the resident accordingly. Residents not returning to university housing for the following semester must complete a housing release form in order to be eligible for a refund of the housing application fee. Please be aware that other requirements must also be fulfilled; completing a housing release form does not guarantee a refund of the deposit. Failure to adhere to the above check-out procedures will result in loss of deposit, possible disciplinary action, and/or any or all of the following charges:

  • Room key (per key not returned; lost; duplicate key)
    • Kolasa - $65.00

    • Benincasa - $65.00

    • Flood - $65.00

    • Browne - $65.00

    • Weber - $65.00

    • Dalton - $65.00

    • Dunspaugh - $65.00

    • Sage - $115.00

    • Mottram Doss - $200.00

    • Mottram Doss (triple) - $115.00

    • Bevilacqua (single) - $65.00

    • Bevilacqua (double) - $115.00

    • Bevilacqua(quad) - $160.00

  • Trash left in room (minimum charge)- $100.00
  • Excessive Housekeeping Required- $100.00
  • Improper check-out- $100.00
  • Check-out past deadline (per day)- $150.00

Charges for cleaning and trash left in any university housing unit will be jointly decided upon by the Housekeeping Department and the Department of Housing and Residence Life staffs. The residents of the room, suite, apartment and/or house will share any common area damage or excessive cleaning charges.

Residents agree to pay for damages, lost university property or unnecessary service costs caused to university housing facilities because of their actions. Residents assume a collective responsibility for damages caused to common areas of their apartment/hall unless individual responsibility is claimed or assigned for such damages. Residents are encouraged to provide any knowledge they have regarding damage to avoid collective charges.

The occupants of each room assume responsibility for the care of the room and its furnishings, for removing trash to specific disposal areas, and for maintaining sanitary and safe conditions acceptable to the Department of Housing and Residence Life. The Department of Housing and Residence Life will maintain an accurate record of the conditions of each room and its furnishing. Each resident will sign a room condition report (RCR) for the room and its furnishings upon check-in and upon subsequent changes to new rooms. When residents move from a room, damages will be assessed by the department so as to assess the person(s) responsible, or the remaining person(s) will assume the responsibility. Damages may also be assessed throughout the year when necessary.

Consolidation Process

The Department of Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to consolidate students who do not have roommates. If a resident has a vacancy in his or her (single double, double and quad) room, he or she must choose one of the following options:

  1. Stay in the room and find someone who is also alone to move into the vacancy.
  2. Move into another residence hall space with someone of your choice who has a vacancy in his or her room.
  3. Be consolidated by the Department of Housing and Residence Life.

Resident(s) must not discourage students seeking a room change from moving into the vacancy. If the resident fails to participate in the consolidation process, the resident(s) will be subject to judicial action and the student account will be put on hold for failing to comply with the consolidation policy. Room charges will be changed and pro-rated daily according to the date of the room change.

Emergency Access

The University reserves the right to have authorized university staff or designees enter a resident's room/apartment/suite/house space at reasonable times to inspect, maintain, and repair the premises and furnishings. Students are expected to promptly report damages and necessary repairs, in accordance with established and published procedures. In the event of an emergency, notice may be given immediately before entering. A university official can enter a student's room without notice if there is belief of a violation of a university or housing regulation, local ordinance, state or federal statute is in progress and/or for emergency purposes.

Room Verification (Assignment Verification)

RAs contact each resident to verify the occupancy within the resident units. Eyeball checks are completed approximately the first or second day of classes each semester. This process requires each occupant of a unit to sign the RA's roster sheet verifying he or she has checked into his or her assigned space. When completed, the resident assistant forwards the roster information to the Department of Housing and Residence Life. Any resident not accounted for is considered a no show. If by the time eyeball checks are conducted, the unaccounted resident assigned to the unit has not notified the Department of Housing and Residence Life Office regarding his or her arrival delay then the space is considered available for re-assignment to another student.

Room Freeze Period (Three-Week Freeze)

The first three weeks after the first day of classes each semester is considered the room freeze period. Not all residents arrive at the same time or on a designated move-in day. The university housing staff requires this time to permit new residents the opportunity to receive a room assignment prior to approving any room transfers.

Room Change Request Information

At 51²Ö¿â we will work with you to try and accommodate your request to change your housing assignment. However, these changes may take time, and are not always possible due to room availability and other considerations.

If you would like to change your housing assignment, the first step is, completing this the Room Change Request Agreement through your MyHousing account. This will lead to you meeting with a Professional Staff Member for your residence hall or apartment to talk about why you want to switch rooms. Efforts to resolve the concern, such as roommate mediation, will be explored before a decision is made on a move. If your request is approved, you will receive additional instructions, including a timeline for the move.

Timing for Room Changes

Please note that room changes will only be granted:

  • After all housing vacancies are verified at the start of the semester
  • If there are available vacancies
  • Two weeks after the start of classes

This process traditionally takes about a week, but may take more time, especially at the beginning of the semester. The Professional Staff Member you are assigned too, can offer more information on space availability, and may be able to expedite a room change if there are extenuating circumstances. Once you submit a Room Change Request Form, you will hear from the Professional Staff Member working with you within 3 business days.

If you switch rooms without following these procedures, you will be asked to move back into your assigned room and/or charged with a violation and an improper move charge.

Mutual Room Switches

A mutually agreed-upon room switch between students will be permitted at the discretion of the Residence Life Staff. Students requesting a mutual switch are required to meet with a Professional Staff Member of Residence Life.

Please read the following and sign the bottom of the contract if you agree to the following conditions.

51²Ö¿â ("University") shall try to provide a new room based on the room change request to the undersigned resident student ("Student"). In signing this contract, the Student understands and agrees to all term below.

  1. The University will endeavor to fulfill a Student's request for a specific assignment. However, the University reserves the right to make room changes during the semester for the good of the Student or the residential community and also reserves the right to assign or re-assign unused spaces. Furthermore, as stated in the Residence Hall Manual, the University reserves the right to consolidate Students who reside in rooms that have a capacity of two (2) or more Students that have unassigned vacancies. The Student may not refuse or prevent an assigned Student from residing in a shared space. Students may have the opportunity to buyout the empty space in their room at a pre-determined fee. Students wishing to arrive before their scheduled date, depart after their scheduled date, or stay for break housing, will be billed at a daily rate according to their room type.


Upon checking into university housing, each resident will be assigned a room key(s) . These keys are the student's responsibility until checking out of the residence hall. Students may not duplicate any university key(s). Residents must report each lost or stolen key to the Department of Housing and Residence Life immediately. For safety and security reasons, if the original key has not been produced within 24 hours, the lock will be changed and a fee (room keys)  will be charged to the resident's account for the cost of the change. Unauthorized and/or duplicate key(s) returned to Residence Life staff at check-out will be replaced and appropriate charges will be billed to the student's account for each key. Possession of any unauthorized keys and the giving of key(s) to unauthorized persons are matters for serious disciplinary action. Due to fire safety and other security issues, locks and/or chains may not be added to any door in any university housing unit, including closet doors. Locks may not be tampered in any way that may interfere with the locking or unlocking of the door(s). 

Please refer to the following rates for Keys Fees:

  • Kolasa - $65.00

  • Benincasa - $65.00

  • Flood - $65.00

  • Browne - $65.00

  • Weber - $65.00

  • Dalton - $65.00

  • Dunspaugh - $65.00

  • Sage - $115.00

  • Mottram Doss - $200.00

  • Mottram Doss (triple) - $115.00

  • Bevilacqua (single) - $65.00

  • Bevilacqua (double) - $115.00

  • Bevilacqua(quad) - $160.00


If a resident temporarily misplaces a key between the hours of 8:30am – 5:00pm Monday- Friday, they may come to the Department of Housing and Residence Life with a valid 51²Ö¿â ID in order to obtain a temporary tag key. During the hours of 5pm – 8:30am Monday – Thursday, and 24 hours on the weekends, the resident may contact the RA on duty to be keyed into their assigned space. The resident student must present a valid 51²Ö¿â ID. A progressive lock-out fee will be charged to the students account for each lock-out. Lock-Out fees start at $10.00 for the first, $20.00 for the second, $30.00 for the third and will remain at $30.00 for each consecutive. Students may also be required to attend a student conduct meeting if lockouts become excessive.


Each student living in university housing is assigned a mailbox for their use according to their housing assignment. The student mailboxes are located behind Thompson Hall. It is an expectation that each resident check their assigned mailbox daily for university housing and general university correspondence. Failure to include your box number in your mailing address will result in mail being late or RETURNED TO SENDER because of INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS. Students must forward all mail prior to checking out of housing. Your mailbox is only assigned to you while you have a current active room assignment. Please be aware, that if you change rooms at any time, your mailbox assignment will change according to your new assignment. Mailboxes are assigned according to your placement. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the necessary parties of their mailbox change by completing a change of address information with the respective parties that send them mail.
Mailing addresses for all of campus are as follows:

  • Your Name
    11300 NE 2nd Ave
    Miami, Shores Florida 33161


Student's living on campus are eligible to have a mailbox assigned to them. At the end of each semester, all students with an assigned mailbox, must come to the mail room and check out in person. Students planning to remain on campus must advise the mail room staff before they leave for break. Students moving off campus must turn in their key to the mail room staff and fill out a Forwarding Request Form. Students will receive a receipt once the process is complete. Failure to check out properly at the end of each semester will result in a charge of $65.00 for the lock replacement and your mail will not be forwarded. Please be advised that keys cannot be mailed in, left in a mailbox, or turned in by an RA, friend, or family. Only regular mail will be forwarded. In addition, the mail room is unable to forward packages, parcels, or accountable mail.

Package Pick-Up

When you receive a package in the mail, a package slip will be placed in your mailbox. To pick-up your package, bring the slip and some type of picture identification with you to the mailroom. Each resident is responsible for checking his or her University Housing mailbox daily to ensure all mail is collected from the box. It is also the responsibility of each resident to sign for and pick-up all packages they receive promptly. Residents must complete a forwarding address card and return it to the mail room at least two weeks prior to checking out of University Housing.

Residents are responsible for notifying all subscription vendors and billing agencies at least 30 days in advance of checking out of University Housing of their change of address. If the resident doesn't complete the appropriate mail forwarding paperwork in a timely manner his or her mail may be delayed. During breaks and semester closing times, the mail delivery process will be slowed and the mail rooms potentially closed. All residents must check the flyers posted in the mailroom areas for current information and/or changes to mailroom policies, procedures and operating times.

Mail Tampering

Tampering with mailbox locks or removing mail addressed to another person is prohibited. Mail addressed to anyone other than the current occupant(s) should be returned to the mailroom. Only authorized staff is permitted to enter mailrooms, sorting or distribution areas. Other university housing staff cannot access the mailrooms for any reasons. It is a federal offense to tamper with mail not addressed to you.


University maintenance and custodial staff will perform routine duties both inside and outside student living spaces throughout the year. When a maintenance problem occurs, a resident must complete a work order request at the Housing and Residence Life Office. Work is completed on a first-received first-served basis, except for emergencies. Once a request is filed, university facilities personnel may enter the unit at any time to complete the work. Residents need not be present for work to be performed. If the resident is not present when work is completed, a notification of entry will be left in the student room. Students should notify the housing office if a request is not completed within 24 hours.


Refund policies regarding room and board charges are listed each semester in the class schedule published by the Office of the Registrar.


The primary purpose of this network is to support the educational mission and goals of the university. ResNet is the high speed computer network for the Barry residential student community. It is a shared resource, available in all on-campus housing locations. The primary purpose of this network is to support the educational mission and goals of the university. In support of these goals, the following activities are prohibited and may result in revocation of ResNet service, possible university action and/or criminal charges:

  • Setting up a router or building a private subnet.
  • Setting up ANY type of information server such as web, gopher, e-mail, games, etc.
  • Propagating e-mail chain letters or forging mail.
  • Allowing non-resident students, including commuter students, access to ResNet.
  • Using ResNet for personal financial gain.
  • Violating copyright laws.
  • Modifying or attempting to modify university owned or licensed information.
  • Attempting to damage or disrupt networking services.
  • Using ResNet or related resources in the commission of crime.
  • Using traffic intensive applications that may cause problems within the network or diluting the level of service to other users.

No print servers, mail servers, FTP servers, etc. are allowed. Network sharing of any computer related device or materials that may cause excessive network traffic is prohibited. Any student residing on campus and connecting to the university network will be required to install the university's anti-virus program, trend Office Scan, on his or her PC. Any questions about ResNet or computing should be directed to the IT Support Desk at (305) 899-3604.

Student Health Information

All students residing in campus housing (including campus owned apartments and houses) will be charged at the time of registration $90 per semester for the Student Health Center (SHC) policy. This policy provides 100% coverage for all services including primary care; prescriptive medications prescribed by the ARNP in the Student Health Center, and required immunizations (to a maximum of $200). Student may waive out of this fee if they meet the waiver requirements prior to the first day of the semester. Please note: students with private insurance must complete this waiver in addition to the primary insurance waiver. These benefits are included in the primary student insurance plan. Student requesting the primary student insurance will not be billed. By waiving this plan the student is waiving their access to on-site primary care. Basic health services such as self help and referral services will be provided.


In an effort to keep the rooms/apartments/houses clean, comfortable and pest-free, the Department of Housing and Residence Life has designated an area for trash disposal. All resident students are required to deposit trash into designated trash areas. Students may not deposit trash outside their room doors, in hallways and/or in common area trash cans. Fines will be imposed on students who fail to adhere to the appropriate disposal of trash.

Residents are expected to maintain their assigned spaces in a clean and sanitary manner. Garbage may not be left in hallways, entrances, stairwells, trash rooms, rooms/apartments/houses, or on balconies and patios. Responsibility for cleanliness of assigned spaces is shared by all residents assigned. If trash is not disposed of correctly, students responsible will be billed a removal fee.

It is a privilege to be a resident at 51²Ö¿â. It is the responsibility of all residents to maintain the upkeep of the facility. This includes, but is not limited to, taking out the trash, cleaning the restrooms, kitchen, common spaces, and personal spaces. Wellness and safety of the residential facilities are important. It is expected that the residents contribute positively to this living-learning environment and do their part to keep this space sanitary.

Damages/Community Damages:

Appropriate oversight of community areas is the responsibility of all residents. Students will be notified of when community damage charges will be assessed. Damages which occur in the Barry houses will be charged to the student(s) assigned to the house at a rate which includes actual replacement and labor costs. Public area damages will be charged to those identified as responsible. Residents are the only people who have key access to their communities. Any damages occurring in community areas are assumed to be caused by residents and/or their guests. Public area damages not charged to a specific individual may be charged to all residents in the room, apartment, house, or building and are referred to as community damages. Repair or replacement of damaged items will take place at the discretion of the Department of Housing and Residence Life staff.

Fire Alarms:

If a fire alarm goes off it is mandatory that all residents evacuate the facility immediately.  Fire extinguishers are located in all facilities. It is a federal offense to discharge an extinguisher inappropriately and/or tamper with fire equipment.

Guest Policy:

51²Ö¿â has open visitation; students may have guests twenty-four hours a day, however residents may only allow the use of their assigned spaces consistent with the following:\

Residents may not permit any additional individuals regardless of gender to live in their spaces (cohabitation prohibited). All guests must be escorted by the resident who is responsible for the guest at all times. All guest visits must be approved by all roommate/suitemates. In no instance may a resident host a guest for an excess of nine nights total per semester.

Hosts are required to be familiar with University Housing rules and policies and to familiarize their guests with the rules and policies. Guests of Barry residents need to abide by all Housing and Residence Life policies and the Student Code of Conduct. If a guest violates any policy, rules or regulations, the resident who is hosting the guest will be held responsible for the guest's actions and will be subject to appropriate conduct sanctions.

Overnight visits of same gender guest(s) of residents in all residential units are permitted for up to three consecutive nights in a resident's assigned University Housing space as long as all suitemates/roommates consent to the guests staying. Cohabitation, which is defined as overnight visits with a romantic partner are prohibited, as it is incompatible with the Catholic character of the university and with the rights of the roommate(s). Residents are not permitted to assign or sublease their assigned spaces.

Residents are required to register their guests with the front desk staff upon entry into a residence hall. In order to ensure adequate security in university housing, both residents and guests must present 51²Ö¿â or government-issued identification to designated university staff (Resident Assistants, Desk Assistants, Public Safety, etc.) upon request. Refusal to present identification will result in denial of admittance to the residence halls.

Noise Policy:

The Barry houses are located in the Miami-Dade community. The Department of Housing and Residence Life encourages all residents to be a positive contribution to the community. With this said, it is important that residents of the Barry houses and their guests abide by the Miami-Dade noise ordinances. The Miami-Dade noise ordinance is 10pm.

Residents residing in the residential halls on campus must adhere to the noise policy for the residential areas on campus. Quiet hours for these areas are as follows:

  • Sunday-Thursday 10pm-10am
  • Friday-Saturday 1am-10am

Please keep in mind, that there are 24 hours courtesy hours that can be enforced.


All students must register their vehicle with the Department of Public Safety and adhere to the parking policies.

Parking is limited at the Barry houses. No parking is allowed on the grass or sidewalks. Parking is only allowed in the driveway and on the street. If cars are found parked in non-designated parking areas they may be subject to being towed at the owner's expense. If residents of the houses cannot find parking at the house, they can park on campus.

Failure to abide by the Department of Housing and Residence Life Policies, The Office of Student Life, Student Code of Conduct, and organization bylaws may result in judicial action, termination of housing contract, removal of student's organization and/or chapter

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