
Code of Conduct

Housing Policies and Procedures

Code of Conduct

51²Ö¿â students are responsible for the contents of the University Catalog and Student Handbook.

  1. Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the university.
  2. Theft of and/or damage to property of the university, of a member of the university community or of a visitor to the university.
  3. Unauthorized entry to, or use of, university facilities, which are locked, closed to student activities or otherwise restricted as to use.
  4. Tampering with fire equipment, exit lights, fire alarms, or any other Safety equipment or structures.
  5. Disorderly, lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression on university owned property or at university sponsored or supervised activities.
  6. Abusive behavior - Any action or situation which produces mental or physical discomfort for any member of the university community, or which places the individual or group in danger of physical or mental injury. This behavior includes but is not limited to: a. Sexual Harassment - inappropriate or unwelcome sexual attention to coerced sexual relations or sexual assault (also see policy on sexual offenses). b. Verbal Harassment - statements incorporating abusive, obscene or threatening language. c. Physical Harassment - use of, or threatened use of, physical force or violence. d. Stalking - willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly following or harassing another person. e. Any harassment on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, or sexual orientation.
  7. Violating the visitation policy as outlined under "Residence Life Policies and Procedures."
  8. Incurring financial obligations on behalf of a person, organization, or the university without consent or authority.
  9. Disregarding the legitimate request of a university official (including RAs and Public Safety officers), to include failure to follow directions or obstructing assigned responsibilities of appropriate officials.
  10. Forging, altering, possessing, duplicating, or using documents, keys, records, or identifications without consent or authorization.
  11. Failing to comply with a judicial sanction, to include violation of specific probationary statutes.
  12. Purporting to or representing another person, an organization, or the university improperly without consent or authority.
  13. Lying or perjuring self to university official to include the judicial board/administrator.
  14. Being present during the commitment, or have knowledge of, a violation of the university student conduct code constitutes permission or condoning of the act."
  15. Violating terms of the housing agreement.
  16. Failing to take an active role in assuring proper behavior of one's guests, not limited to university housings.
  17. Refusing to properly evacuate a university facility or moving from specified university grounds during a fire alarm or emergency situation.
  18. Possessing, consuming, dispensing, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages and/or other drugs in violation of the State of Florida Law or university policy.
  19. Violating the university smoking tobacco use policy in specified facilities.
  20. Soliciting/selling for personal or organizational profit without proper consent of university officials.
  21. Violating motor vehicle policies of the university.
  22. Disruption of the normal activities of the institution, including physical violence or abuse of any person or conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of persons, the deliberate interference with academic freedom and freedom of speech, and forcible interference with the freedom of movement of any member or guest of the university.
  23. Possession of weapons, which include firearms (or replicas), bb guns, sling shot devices, grenades, knives, explosives, flammable materials or any other instrument which may be used to cause injury to body or damage to property.
  24. Violations of university's policies or regulations governing student behavior and life of the campus and failure to inform personal guest of said policies and/or regulations.
  25. Any violation of federal, state or local law if such directly affect the university's pursuit of its proper education purposes.
  26. Misuse of controlled and/or harmful drugs including alcohol.
  27. Failure to comply with directions of university officials acting in the performance of their duties. This shall include failure to give identity or to show university identification card.
  28. Violation of university computer policies.
  29. Violation of other published university policies, rules or regulations.

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