
Red-Cross Shelter

Emergency Preparedness

Where to Find a Shelter

Red Cross shelter locations are announced on radio and television prior to a storm-related emergency. Not every site will open for every evacuation. People must listen to the media for updated information on which evacuation centers will be open when an evacuation order is given.

What to Bring to a Shelter

Water, Food: 

Water--one gallon of water per person, per day.

Food--Non-perishable, needing little or no cooking, such as ready-to-eat meats, fruits, vegetables, and canned juices. High energy foods such as peanut butter, jelly, crackers, granola bars, trail mix, and other snack foods. Special dietary foods--such as diabetic, low salt, liquid diet, and baby food and formula. Manual can opener. Eating and drinking utensils including paper plates. Portable ice chest with ice.

Clothing and Bedding: 

One complete change of clothing including footwear. Sleeping bag, blanket and pillow (cots for elderly)--cots will not be provided. Rain gear and sturdy shoes.

Personal Items:

Washcloth, small towel, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitary napkins, tampons, paper towels, toilet paper, towelettes, etc.

Medications, First-Aid Supplies:

Medications--clearly marked with your name, dosage, type of medication, and prescribing physician. You must be able to take all medications by yourself. First-Aid kit in a waterproof box.

Baby Supplies:

Clothes, diapers, formula, bottles, nipples, food, blankets.

Important Papers:

Name and address of doctors. Name and address of nearest relative not living in area. Identification and valuable papers.


  • Games, cards, toys, battery powered radios, flashlights (no candles or lanterns), batteries, or other reasonable items you may need.
  • Take a bath and eat before you leave home.
  • Register immediately upon entering the shelter.
  • Obey shelter rules.
  • Keep the building safe and sanitary.

Not Allowed:

NO pets, alcoholic beverages, or weapons.

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