



Tropical Storm

Torrential rains and tropical storm force winds associated with the outer bands of a hurricane frequently cause dangerous situations, damage, and render evacuation routes impassable long before the predicted landfall of the storm. In accordance with a wind effects report distributed by the Florida Institute of Technology, Tropical Storm Force Winds (TSFW) can down trees and power lines, blow out windows, blow down signs, cause flying debris, structural collapse and cause vehicles to overturn and deviate from their course.

Closures could occur earlier if deemed necessary due to the intensity and/or proximity of a storm.

The University will begin “lock down procedures†8 hours prior to arrival of 39 mph winds.

“Lock Down†Procedures

  • All faculty, staff and non-resident students released
  • Resident students advised to stay within their residence halls
  • All University entrances closed
  • All visitors and vehicular traffic flow prevented from entering the University.

Hurricane Category I & II

When a Hurricane Watch is Issued:

  • Campus placed on alert
  • Resident students provided information on residence hall evacuation and procedures

When a Hurricane Warning is Issued:

  • Offices closed
  • Classes cancelled
  • Lock Down Procedures initiated
  • Alpha/Bravo shifts commence
  • Resident students informed of residence hall evacuation time and procedures
  • Resident students from the tri-County area will be encouraged to return home

Hurricane Category III - V

When a Hurricane Watch is Issued:

  • Offices closed
  • Classes cancelled
  • Lock Down Procedures initiated
  • Alpha/Bravo shifts commence
  • Resident students informed of residence hall evacuation and procedures
  • All resident students will be encouraged to return home

When a Hurricane Warning is Issued:

  • Resident students informed of residence hall evacuation time and procedures

By-pass Scenario:

In the event a storm by-passes the affected campus, operations will resume upon the lifting of all watches and warnings. The above procedures are based upon the advisories issued by the National Weather Service.

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