
Graduate Assistantships

Department of Social Work

Graduate Assistantship (GA) Information

Grad assistant smiling and sitting with her laptop

Graduate Assistantship is an opportunity for graduate students to finance their studies while acquiring professional skills. Graduate students will receive paid part-time work experiences focused on expanding their skills under supervision. GA’s provide faculty and/or university staff assistance in carrying out special projects or other assignments that require advanced critical thinking and problem solving.

The activities assigned to GA’s are to have an educational value with the intent of ultimately enhancing the student's academic experience. Although some tasks may include a clerical component, a graduate assistantship is not meant to be used to provide primarily clerical and office support to departments.

Assistantships are highly competitive and specific to degree-seeking students. Students interested in applying as a Graduate Assistant should review the Q&A section to gain a full understanding of the position expectations.

Graduate Assistantships are valued at the tuition cost of one course per semester. Graduate assistants must work a minimum of 140 hours a semester. Students must be accepted to the program prior to applying for a graduate assistantship. Students must be registered full-time. Applications are available through the Office of Admissions, Enrollment, and Student Services.

For additional Information on the Graduate Assistantship program, please contact:

Mariel Amador
Coordinator of Student Services


  • Holding a GA position can help students achieve their advanced degree with less student debt, all while opening doors to future employment opportunities. As a GA, a student will work closely with faculty members and other prominent leaders within the University. The position can lead to networking opportunities and references for future potential employers while building necessary skills and professional experience that employers are looking for.

  • Students who apply for a Graduate Assistantship, depending on duties, may be classified as a Research Assistant, Administrative Assistant, Project Development Assistant, or Teaching Assistant.

    • Research Assistantships involve helping a faculty member with their research. The tasks assigned primarily include collecting, analyzing, and reporting data.
    • Administrative Assistantships are positions assigned with the goal of meeting administrative or institutional support needs.
    • Project Development Assistantships are geared towards highly organized individuals. Tasks will include organization of files, preparation of documents, scheduling of appointments, and providing support for projects as needed.
    • Teaching Assistantships are offered to students who conduct or support instruction. Duties will involve teaching a class, leading discussions, tutoring, or assisting a faculty member with grading.
  • To qualify for a Graduate Assistantship (GA), the student must:

    • Be fully admitted as a degree-seeking student in 51ֿ’s School of Social Work MSW, DSW, or PhD program.
    • Be enrolled in class during the semester or semesters in which the student will be working as a GA.
  • Application for the position must include:

    • Statement of interest
    • Resume
    • Letter of recommendation from a current or previous professor/administrator who can speak to the students’ academic performance

    Students may be asked to interview for the GA position with their prospective faculty supervisor.

    At acceptance of the position, the student will be required to submit the following:

    • Position agreement (contract)
    • Work hour schedule

    At the end of the semester, the student will need to submit:

    • Time sheet
    • Evaluation form (to be completed along with his/her/their supervisor)
  • The following terms and conditions must be followed:

    • To receive full tuition for a 3-credit course, GA’s must work at least 168 hours within the semester (hours per week over the 12-week period). However, the hours required to complete an assistantship is based on the breadth and depth of the assignment and may include hours above the 168, for which the assistant will receive compensation.

      Note: If the student does not meet the minimum requirement of 168 hours within the semester, the semester payout will be prorated.
    • Graduate Assistants may be removed from the position if the expectations are not met and responsibilities assigned are not carried out as agreed upon at the time of selection.
      • If a termination is necessary, the supervisor must hold an exit interview with the GA and submit notification of termination to the Student Services Coordinator.
  • Payment is issued as a one-time stipend between the third – sixth week of the semester. Should a student’s work exceed the 168-hour minimum, payment will be submitted within 30 days of receipt of the final time sheet.

To apply for a Graduate Assistantship Position, please complete the application by clicking the button below:

All forms should be emailed to the Student Services Coordinator upon completion:

Mar Amador
Coordinator of Student Services

Graduate Assistantship Information for Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff are given the opportunity to hire qualified Graduate Assistants (GA) each semester to help with special projects and assignments which require skilled workers.

If you have a GA position in mind, please complete the electronic “Graduate Assistantship Request” form by clicking the button below:

The deadline for Graduate Assistantship Requests will be four weeks prior to the semester start. All GA selections will be made within the first week of the semester.

*Leniency for these deadlines will be granted for nine-month Faculty contracts requesting a GA for the Fall term.

Your Student Services Coordinator, Mar Amador, will provide deadline reminders for each semester.

Important Documents:

All forms should be emailed to the Student Services Coordinator upon completion:

Mar Amador
Coordinator of Student Services

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