
Course Descriptions

School of Podiatric Medicine

Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Course Descriptions

Podiatric Medicine and Surgery; Prefix: SPM

526 Introduction to Patient Care (2)
Introduction to Patient Care provides students with opportunities to acquire knowledge of podiatric medicine through clinical rotations and lectures from Podiatric Clinical Faculty. Students will learn about podiatric medical care, basic clinical skills and apply knowledge from basic science courses. Emphasis will be placed on professionalism of the doctor/patient relationship in the delivery of care.

527 Biochemistry I (3)
Biochemistry I provides an introduction to the fundamental aspects of biochemistry. It gives an overview of the structure, function, and metabolism of biologically important molecules; carbohydrates, fatty acids, proteins, and nucleic acids. The course concludes with a review of amino acid metabolism. Enzyme kinetics, allostery, and enzyme inhibition and control are considered in detail. Throughout, the emphasis is placed on the regulation of metabolic pathways and on their interrelationships in health and disease.

528 Biochemistry II/Nutrition (3)
Biochemistry II considers the application of biochemistry to disease etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Cell membranes and the structure, function, and replication of the cell's genetic material are described. The digestion and absorption of nutrients is reviewed, and the consequences of malfunction considered. A number of disease states are used to illustrate selected principles including the relationship between nutrition and disease, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, obesity, and diabetes. The application of clinical biochemistry techniques to disease diagnosis is described and the biochemistry of exercise and aging visited. Prerequisite: SPM 527.

536 Research Methodology, Epidemiology and Statistics (3)
Introduction to experimental design, biostatistical methods, and theoretical and statistical analysis of data. Epidemiological concepts will include population dynamics, trends in diseases and disorders, rates, screening, and public health programs.

547 Neuroanatomy w/lab (3)
Presentation of the morphologic and physiologic aspects of the nervous system. Clinical correlations are incorporated to emphasize the important anatomic structures and pathways. Lecture and lab. Prerequisite: SPM 590.

549 Medical Psychiatry (1)
This course will focus on the signs, symptoms, and therapies of the major mental disorders, emphasizing those most commonly seen and managed in primary care medical practice. Thus, anxiety disorders, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, and the organic brain syndromes will be considered in detail.

550 Histology and Cell Biology w/lab (4)
Presentation of the normal microscopic structure of the human body. Emphasis will be placed on the integration of the morphology with the biochemical and physiologic process of the body. Lecture and Laboratory.

553 Biomedical Ethics (1)
An introduction to bioethics relevant to podiatric medical practice: valid consent, confidentiality and privacy, issues in death and dying, and the podiatric code of ethics. (CR/NC option only)

590 Gross Anatomy w/lab (7)
Study designed to expose the student to the macroscopic aspects of human morphology. Complete dissection of a cadaver will be correlated with surface anatomy, radiology and other clinical information. Lecture and lab.

595A Physiology I (4)
Physiology is a lecture course that incorporates concepts from histology, biochemistry, and anatomy and applies these concepts to the students' understanding of the normal functioning of the major organ-systems of the human body. The first module, SPM 595A, covers the following major organ-systems: Neuronal, Muscular, Neuroendocrine, Reproductive, Cardiovascular, and Renal. Prerequisites: SPM 527 and SPM 550. Co-requisite: SPM 528.

595B Physiology II w/lab (2)
Physiology is a lecture-laboratory course that builds on, incorporates, and reinforces concepts from SPM 595A Physiology I and applies these to the students' understanding of the normal functioning of additional organ-systems of the human body: Respiratory and Alimentary. In SPM 595B a laboratory component is incorporated to give students experience in carrying out a self-conceived experimental project and to present its results in the style of a research talk that is graded based on a rubric provided to them. Prerequisite: SPM 595A.

600, 601 Pathology I w/lab, Pathology II (4, 2)
Fundamental principles of disease processes such as tissue injury and repair, inflammation, the immune response, and neoplasia, as well as mechanisms of hemodynamic and metabolic derangement; illustrated in laboratory by means of clinical material and case studies. Lecture and lab. Prerequisite: SPM 550 for SPM 600; and SPM 600 for SPM 601.

605A, 605B Physical Diagnosis (2, 2)
Introduction to and development of techniques in the common and basic components of physical and laboratory examinations, techniques of interviewing and history taking, and the care of the patient in all fields of medicine. Lecture (SPM 605A) and lab (SPM 605B). Prerequisites: SPM 595Aand 595B. SPM 605A must be taken before or at the same time as SPM 605B.

610 Clinical Neurology (2)
Emphasis on clinical presentation of disorders commonly involving the nervous system with particular emphasis on neuromuscular disorders and peripheral neuropathies. Problems of the nervous system such as muscular dystrophies, tumors, strokes, trauma, and seizures are described. Prerequisite: SPM 547.

620 Pharmacology (3)
Course encompasses basic pharmacological principles and classes of drugs. Prerequisites: SPM 527, SPM 528, SPM 595A, and SPM 595B.

621 Clinical Pharmacology (3)
This course is devoted to the study of the commonly prescribed pharmaceutical preparations in the hospital and office medical practice. Hospital orders, prescription writing, as well as the indications, contraindications, adverse reactions, and the significant pharmacology of all relevant classes of drugs in general medicine will be discussed. Emphasis is placed not upon the principles of pharmacology but rather on the actual clinical use and adverse reactions associated with all drugs in the typical hospital formulary. Prerequisite: SPM 620.

623 Medical Microbiology I (2)
This course is the first of a two-part series focusing on medical microbiology and infectious diseases. The series begins with presentation of the basic principles and concepts of medical microbiology and a comprehensive study of medical immunology. Topics include the classification, structure and replication of bacteria; microbial flora of the human body; principles of sterilization, disinfection, and antisepsis. The medical immunology topics include: components of innate and adaptive immunity; hematopoietic cell differentiation and cells of the immune response; immunogenetics and antigen receptor molecules; antigen recognition, presentation, and cellular communication; immunologic tolerance and regulation; complement; the role of the immune response to infectious agents in defense and disease; antimicrobial vaccines. The remainder of the two-part series of courses (SPM 624) completes the comprehensive study of the pathogens. Prerequisites: SPM 527, SPM 528, SPM 550, and SPM 590.

624 Medical Microbiology II (5)
Medical Microbiology II is a comprehensive study of medical immunology, medical bacteriology, medical mycology, medical virology, and medical parasitology. The course surveys the interaction between the human host and the pathogens, characteristics of pathogens, epidemiology, pathogenesis of disease, laboratory diagnosis, prevention, control of disease, and treatment. Anti-infective agents are also discussed including modes of action, spectra of activity, and specific mechanisms of resistance. Prerequisite: SPM 623.

625A Applied Lower Extremity Anatomy I w/lab (4)
This course presents the macroscopic structure of the lower extremity using a combination of systemic and regional approaches. Emphasis is placed on the correlation between anatomical structure and function on the one hand, and clinical and imaging applications on the other.

625B Applied Lower Extremity Anatomy II w/lab (2)
This course presents the gross anatomical structure of the lower extremity using a regional approach. Emphasis is placed on cadaver dissection by the students, which will allow them to correlate the various anatomical structures of the lower extremity with their functions and their clinical and imaging applications. Prerequisite: SPM 625A.

627 Introduction to Functional Orthopedics (3)
Introduction to the study of the functional anatomy of the lower extremities. Physical and mechanical principles as applied to the development and functions of the lower extremities will be studied in depth. Concepts of normal lower extremity function will be applied to human locomotion. Prerequisite: SPM 625A.

632 Podiatric Medicine I (2)
This course provides the fundamentals of taking a history and performing a physical examination. Evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of some of the more common conditions treated by the podiatric physician will be discussed. These include nail disorders, dermatological, and rheumatologic diseases, among others. Prerequisites: SPM 547, SPM 550, SPM 610, SPM 623, SPM 625A, and SPM 625B. Co-requisites: SPM 600 and SPM 620.

640 Surgical Principles (3)
Introduces the student to the evaluation and management of selected surgical conditions likely to be encountered in primary care. Emphasis is placed on the integration of anatomy and physiology, history and physical skills, pathophysiology and diagnostic studies. Pre- and post-operative patient management, including appropriate referral practices, are included. Prerequisite: SPM 590.

644 Dermatology (2)
Introduction to general dermatoses especially those affecting feet and lower extremities. Prerequisite: SPM 550.

649 General Radiology (3)
Radiation physics, image production, and safety are covered. Evaluation of radiographic changes as they relate to systemic and local pathology. Prerequisite: SPM 590.

651, 753 Internal Medicine I, Internal Medicine II (2, 2)
Presentation of basic principles of medicine. Prerequisites: SPM 590, SPM 595A, SPM 595B, SPM 600, SPM 605, SPM 620 for 651; and SPM 651 for 753.

652 Peripheral Vascular Disease (2)
The pathophysiology as well as diagnosis and treatment of peripheral vascular disease will be discussed. Prerequisites: SPM 595A, SPM 595B, and SPM 632.

665, 765 Independent Study (1-3)
Opportunity for extensive study in areas of special interest to the student. Prerequisite: permission of the Associate Academic Dean or Associate Dean of Clinical Education or Chair of the Pre-Clinical Sciences.

675, 775 Research (credit not to exceed 12)
Research under guidance of faculty advisor. Prerequisite: permission of the Associate Academic Dean or Associate Dean of Clinical Education or Chair of the Pre-Clinical Sciences.

700 Physical Medicine (1)
The various modalities of physical medicine will be presented with special emphasis on lower extremity palliative and therapeutic care.

703 Anesthesiology (1)
The types, techniques, methods, and complications of regional, local, and general anesthesia will be explored. The student will be introduced to related patient problems in the perioperative period as well as preoperative considerations for surgery. Prerequisites: SPM 620 and SPM 621.

705 Emergency & Traumatology I (2)
General concepts of non-cardiac emergency and traumatology from a systems perspective. Prerequisites: SPM 632, SPM 651, and SPM 709.

706 Emergency & Traumatology II (3)
Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support mechanisms as defined by the American Heart Association will be presented. Prerequisite: SPM 705.

707 Emergency & Traumatology III (2)
Lower extremity traumatology will be discussed. Basic principles of wound healing, prevention, and management of infection, and specific applications for forefoot trauma are stressed. Prerequisite: SPM 706.

709 Podiatric Medicine II (2)
Disorders, both systemic and localized, are presented according to the body system involved, i.e., Musculoskeletal, Neurological, with an examination of the varied mechanisms of wounding and of management strategies. Lower extremity manifestations of systemic disease, differential diagnoses, and conservative management are emphasized. Prerequisite: SPM 632.

709L Podiatric Medicine II Lab (1)
This course prepares students for the technical skills associated with medical and surgical podiatric care. The course is presented in a workshop format with a short lecture followed by practical demonstration and individual practice sessions to learn the particular skill. Sample technical skills include, but are not limited to, handling and use of instrumentation, injections, venipuncture, starting intravenous lines, suturing and hand ties, casting, and bandaging. Additionally, podiatric palliative practices such as the nail procedures, removal of corns, calluses, padding, and strapping are emphasized. Prerequisites/Co-requisites: SPM 632 and SPM 709.

710 Podiatric Medicine III (2)
Lower extremity manifestations of systemic disease, differential diagnoses, and conservative management are emphasized. Disorders of the lower extremity, both systemic and localized, are presented according to the body system involved. Interpretation of clinical testing, dermatologic manifestations of disease, and varied presentations of infectious diseases will be discussed. Prerequisite: SPM 709

711 Podiatric Radiology (2)
Class instruction in diagnostic findings in the foot. Pathophysiology will be discussed to support the radiographic changes seen in the foot as it relates to certain disease entities. Prerequisite: SPM 649.

711L Radiology Lab (1)
Provides students with practical opportunities to apply knowledge and understanding acquired in General Radiology and Podiatric Radiology courses to the actual reading of the films or images. Each class section is divided into small groups which work at stations with a radiological view box. Emphasis is on the hands-on reading of chest films, foot and ankle x‑rays, bone scans, MRI, and CT scans. Additionally, students review and practice photochemistry of developing plain films and x‑ray positioning techniques. Prerequisites: SPM 649 and SPM 711. (CR/NC option only)

712 Clinical Orientation and Skills Workshop (1)
Prepares students for diverse aspects of clinical care, patient interactions, hospital, and/or clinic protocols. Infectious disease, sterile technique, universal precautions, biomedical hazards, immunization policy, instrumentation, and School rules and clinical regulations will be discussed. Demonstrations and workshops in practical skills may be presented. Prerequisites: all first- and second-year courses. (CR/NC option only)

713 Podiatric Surgery I (4)
Fundamental concepts of forefoot and soft tissue surgery of the foot and ankle are presented. Prerequisite: SPM 640 and all other first and second year courses.

714 Podiatric Surgery II (4)
Fundamental concepts of rearfoot and reconstructive surgery of the foot and ankle are presented. Prerequisite: SPM 713.

717 Biomechanics of Foot Function (2)
Advanced studies in foot function with emphasis on biomechanical comprehension and orthotic correction of foot/lower extremity deformity. Prerequisites: SPM 547, SPM 625A, and SPM 625B.

717L Biomechanics Clinical Practicum Laboratory (1)
Laboratory applications of biomechanical theory and practice as presented in SPM 717. Emphasis on examination and clinical problem solving. Co-requisite: SPM 717.

719, 720 Podiatric Clinical Clerkship I, II (7,7)
Students will rotate through the 51²Ö¿â Foot and Ankle Centers as well as affiliated hospitals. Students will participate in podiatric, medical, and surgical services, including emergency room, operating room, radiology, vascular laboratory, physical therapy, wound healing, and other hospital-based services. Students will be evaluated in terms of knowledge, attitude, skills, and motivation and will be required to maintain a patient log. Students will also be expected to successfully complete the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) prior to beginning senior level clinical rotations. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all courses of the first and second years and SPM 712 prior to entering clinical rotations and externships.

721 Podiatric Medicine IV (2)
The incidence, pathophysiology, and treatment of common wound conditions germane to the podiatric physician will be discussed. These include ulcers in patients with diabetes and related conditions, venous leg ulcers, arterial ulcers, and pressure wounds. The student will learn about unusual wound pathologies and malignancies. The course will require critical thinking, the formulation of decision trees, and include discussions about infection, vascular disease, and general medicine. Break-out sessions and review of current literature will be coordinated with the lectures. Prerequisite: SPM 624, SPM 632, SPM 709, and SPM 710.

738 Podopediatrics (2)
General survey of growth and development of children with emphasis on the lower extremities: concentrating upon history and physical examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of podiatric disorders. Prerequisites: SPM 717 and SPM 717L.

802 Podiatric Medical Seminar (1)
By utilizing clinical case presentations, students will review and apply principles of Podiatric Medicine presented during the first three years of training. Prerequisites: all first, second, and third year courses.

806 Library Research Paper (1)
This paper is required for senior students and serves to develop skills in literature review and presentation.

809 Podiatric Senior Clinical Rotations (7)
Students will rotate in afternoon clinic sessions through the 51²Ö¿â Foot and Ankle Centers and affiliated institutions. Students will be responsible for case presentations and case management involving general medical as well as podiatric disorders. Prerequisites: all first, second, and third year courses.

813 Risk Management (1)
This course addresses both the medical and legal aspects of Podiatric Medicine. Appropriate charting, record keeping, documentation of patient progress, and complications are discussed. Patient/physician relationships are reinforced with malpractice principles, ethics, and medical jurisprudence. Prerequisites: all first- and second-year courses.

815 Orthopedic Seminar (1)
Via clinical presentations, students will review and apply principles of orthopedics and biomechanics presented during the first three years of training. Prerequisites: all first, second, and third year courses.

819 Communication Skills (1)
This course emphasizes communication skills necessary for physicians to interrelate with their patients on an understanding and empathetic level. An additional goal is to improve interaction with community members and other physicians.

820 Clinical Rotation (4)
Fourth year students will rotate through podiatric, medical, and surgical services in the 51²Ö¿â affiliated hospitals and clinics as a continuum of SPM 719 and SPM 720. Prerequisites: successful completion of SPM 712, SPM 719, and SPM 720, as well as successful completion of the OSCE.

823 Surgical Seminar (1)
Students will review and apply basic and advanced principles of podiatric surgery via clinical case presentations. Prerequisites: all first, second, and third year courses.

825 Practice Management (1)
This course will examine the administrative details of running a private practice. Preparing a banker's loan proposal, floor planning, ordering of office inventory/supplies, hiring of personnel, payroll, billing and collections, insurance, financial planning, advertising, and competition in the health care marketplace will be discussed. Prerequisites: all first, second, and third year courses.

826 Sports Medicine (2)
Comprehensive review of common sports injuries with discussion of mechanisms, prognosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. Prerequisites: all first- and second-year courses.

831 Community and Minority Medicine (1)
Review of the public health issues in the community as well as those specific medical problems affecting particular minority groups.

832, 833, 834, 835, 836, 837, 838 Podiatric Clerkship Programs I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII (4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
Students will be required to attend a total of six one-month outside clinical rotations at approved hospital-based or private office externship programs throughout the United States. The purpose of this additional training is to present geographical differences in medicine, epidemiology, and the practice of podiatric medicine throughout the United States, as well as provide the students with increased exposure to podiatric postgraduate training programs. Prerequisites: successful completion of SPM 712, 719, and 720 as well as successful completion Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). (CR/NC option only)

865 Advanced Independent Study (1-3)
The purpose of this course is to develop within the student an appreciation for research as well as its importance in medical education. Hypothesis development, scientific method in data collection, methods of double blind study, and data analysis are presented. Prerequisite: permission of the Associate Academic Dean or Associate Dean of Clinical Education or Chair of Basic Medical Sciences.

875 Advanced Research (1-12)
Students will conduct research based upon a format/hypothesis developed in SPM 665 or SPM 865. The ultimate goal of this course is publication-quality literature under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisite: permission of the Associate Academic Dean or Associate Dean of Clinical Education or Chair of the Pre-Clinical Sciences.

CMP2 Clinical Skills and Knowledge Competency Examination (0)
Comprehensive practical examination of clinical skills and knowledge including, but not limited to, biomechanics, radiology, suturing, injections, venipuncture, and development of treatment plans based on oral case questions. Prerequisites/Co-requisites: SPM 712, SPM 719, and SPM 720.

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