
Post-Bacc Anesthesiology Program

Graduating Class of
Number of Matriculating Students
Number of Graduating Students
Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year
Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE
Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt
Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt
2024* (Pending) 69 59 0 98% (58, one pending) 95% (56, one pending) 2 (one pending)
2023* 66 59 0 59 (100%) 57(97%) 2
2022* 65 55 0 55 (100%) 52 (94%) 3
2021* 42 37 0 37 (100%) 27 (73%) 10
2020* 79 59 4 59 (100%) 50 (85%) 9
2019* 82 74 1 73 (98%) 66 (89%) 7
2018* 61 49 2 49 (100%) 42 (86%) 7
2017* 69 61 1 61 (100%) 56 (92%) 5
2016* 71 54 2 54 (100%) 51 (94%) 3
2015* 62 50 2 50 (100%) 45 (90%) 5
2014 72 60 1 60 (100%) 53 (88%) 7
2013* 88 73 3 73 (100%) 69 (95%) 4
2012* 70 51 4 51 (100%) 48 (94%) 3
2011 77 67 4 67 (100%) 65 (97%) 2
2010 69 55 5 55 (100%) 54 (98%) 1
2009 73 54 2 54 (100%) 52 (96%) 2
2008 78 67 3 67 (100%) 64 (95%) 3
2007 64 47 11 46 (98%) 44 (96%) 2
2006 67 55 10 55 (100%) 50 (91%) 5
2005 36 31 4 31 (100%) 30 (97%) 1
2004 38 33 0 33 (100%) 33 (100%) 0
Graduating Class of
Number of Matriculating Students
Number of Graduating Students
Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year
Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE
Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt
Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt
2024* (Pending)
Number of Matriculating Students 69 Number of Graduating Students 59 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 0 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 98% (58, one pending) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 95% (56, one pending) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 2 (one pending)
Number of Matriculating Students 66 Number of Graduating Students 59 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 0 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 59 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 57(97%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 2
Number of Matriculating Students 65 Number of Graduating Students 55 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 0 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 55 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 52 (94%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 3
Number of Matriculating Students 42 Number of Graduating Students 37 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 0 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 37 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 27 (73%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 10
Number of Matriculating Students 79 Number of Graduating Students 59 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 4 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 59 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 50 (85%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 9
Number of Matriculating Students 82 Number of Graduating Students 74 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 1 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 73 (98%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 66 (89%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 7
Number of Matriculating Students 61 Number of Graduating Students 49 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 2 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 49 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 42 (86%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 7
Number of Matriculating Students 69 Number of Graduating Students 61 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 1 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 61 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 56 (92%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 5
Number of Matriculating Students 71 Number of Graduating Students 54 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 2 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 54 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 51 (94%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 3
Number of Matriculating Students 62 Number of Graduating Students 50 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 2 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 50 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 45 (90%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 5
Number of Matriculating Students 72 Number of Graduating Students 60 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 1 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 60 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 53 (88%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 7
Number of Matriculating Students 88 Number of Graduating Students 73 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 3 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 73 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 69 (95%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 4
Number of Matriculating Students 70 Number of Graduating Students 51 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 4 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 51 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 48 (94%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 3
Number of Matriculating Students 77 Number of Graduating Students 67 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 4 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 67 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 65 (97%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 2
Number of Matriculating Students 69 Number of Graduating Students 55 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 5 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 55 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 54 (98%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 1
Number of Matriculating Students 73 Number of Graduating Students 54 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 2 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 54 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 52 (96%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 2
Number of Matriculating Students 78 Number of Graduating Students 67 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 3 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 67 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 64 (95%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 3
Number of Matriculating Students 64 Number of Graduating Students 47 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 11 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 46 (98%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 44 (96%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 2
Number of Matriculating Students 67 Number of Graduating Students 55 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 10 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 55 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 50 (91%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 5
Number of Matriculating Students 36 Number of Graduating Students 31 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 4 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 31 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 30 (97%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 1
Number of Matriculating Students 38 Number of Graduating Students 33 Number of Students who Withdrew then Matriculated in a Later Year 0 Number of Graduates who Successfully Passed the NCE 33 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on their First Attempt 33 (100%) Number of Graduates who Passed the NCE on a Subsequent Attempt 0

* All graduates gained employment within six (6) months of graduation.

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