
Research Focus

School Psychology

Specialist in School Psychology (SSP) What is an SSP Degree?

The program will teach you to apply the scientist-practitioner model to school psychology. You will conduct empirical research. This will make you more marketable for employment or doctoral studies, as you'll have the skill to analyze data and assess programs within schools. Your quantitative, empirical study will result in a publishable paper, enabling you to showcase your work.

Our students regularly submit their research studies to national forums, and are frequently asked to present their findings at conferences. We feel that this is such an excellent opportunity for our students that we usually cover travel costs associated with attending the conferences to make a presentation.

Becoming adept at conducting your own research will strengthen your ability to make effective use of others' research. This will enable you to more easily stay up-to-date with the current trends and constant changes in the field long after you graduate.

Directed Research Projects

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    Valentina Libra

    Father Involvement: Ethnic/race Differences and Their Role in Predicting Resilience Behaviors
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    Taranda R. Ross

    The Why Try Program: A Structured Group Therapy Intervention for Academically Retained Students
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    Anetra Bonner

    Student Perceptions and Attitudes Regarding the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test
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    Jeana Upschulte

    The Relationship between Bully-Victimization Experiences and Exceptional Student Populations
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    Sandra Collie

    Prepubescent Children's Sexual Behaviors and its Association with Access to Sexual Information: College Students Recall and Reports from School Officials
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    Rosa Leyva

    The Association between Video Game Violence and Aggressive Behavior in Children and Adolescents: Teacher Ratings of Aggression
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    Gaby Delfino-Silva

    Progress Monitoring Children's Response to Reading Interventions
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    Danielle Sanders

    Gender Differences in the Impact of Bullying Intervention on Social Representation of Aggression
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    Janeann M. Lineman

    An Evaluation of a Novel Teasing and Bullying Intervention Program in a Parochial Elementary School
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    Juliette Montoya

    Growth Rates of Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Skills of Native and English Language Learners using the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)
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    Claudia Arce

    Academic Achievement of Sub-Groups of Hispanic Students
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    Yanexy Vera

    English Language Proficiency as a Predictor of Hispanic Adolescents' Academic Aspirations
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    Detra Bonner

    The Impact of Motivation and Learning Strategy Use on Sixth Graders' Reading Achievement
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    Christina Zafiris

    Translation of the Word Reasoning Subtest of the WISC-IV to Greek and Comparison Performance between Greek, Cypriot and American Children
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    Jenna Morhaim

    Interventions Designed to Promote Early Childhood Development
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    Jasmine Reyner

    Children's Perceptions of Parental Involvement
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    Sandra Riano

    Role of Social Support on Teacher's Self-efficacy and Referral Practices
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    Tiombe-Bisa Kendrick

    Academic Support Services and African-American Male High School Student Athletes

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