

Counseling (PhD)

Counseling (PhD) Program Pre/Co-Requisites

The following course work or equivalent is expected to have been completed by doctoral applicants. Students not meeting pre/co-requisites may be admitted into the doctoral program with deficiencies. A student admitted with deficiencies must meet with his/her doctoral advisor and outline the plan to take the pre/co-requisite course work.

  •  Psychopathology: Diagnosis and Treatment in Counseling
  •  Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling
  •  Methodology of Research
  •  Treatment of Substance Abuse in Counseling
  •  Human Growth and Development
  •  Psychological Measurements
  •  Social and Cultural Issues in Counseling
  •  Human Sexuality
  •  Individual Counseling Procedures
  •  Career Development and LifeWork Planning
  •  Group Counseling Procedures
  •  Family Counseling
  •  Counseling Theories and Intervention
  •  Marriage and Family Systems
  •  Couple Counseling
  •  Crisis Intervention
  •  Counseling Practicum
  •  Counseling Internship

Counseling PhD Curriculum

    • CSL 745 Teaching in Counselor Education
    • CSL 758 Advanced Counseling Procedures
    • CSL 761 Advanced Multicultural Issues in Counseling
    • CSL 766 Leadership, Advocacy and Advanced Professional Issues in Counseling
    • CSL 768 Advanced Appraisal Techniques
    • CSL 784 Counseling Supervision
    • CSL 729 Counseling for Change
    • CSL 763 Advanced Family Systems Theory
    • CSL 767 Advanced Counseling Techniques with Families
    • CSL 769 Scholarship And Professional Development in Counseling
    • HSE 705 Qualitative Methods
    • HSE 707 Quantitative Methods of Inquiry
    • HSE 706 Advanced Qualitative Methods or
    • HSE 708 Advanced Quantitative Methods
    • CSL 786 Counseling Supervision Internship
    • CSL 792 Counseling Leadership and Advocacy Internship
    • CSL 794 Advanced Counseling Practicum
    • CSL 795 Counseling Teaching Internship 
    • CSL 796 Dissertation Seminar
    • CSL 797 Dissertation

Counseling (PhD) Course Descriptions


  • Assesses the issues involved with problem identification, problem solving, change enabling, and accountability in relationship to theoretical approaches to counseling. Examines the systemic issues involved in interpersonal and organizational change. Critically examines the existing research base in relationship to effective change processes in counseling, and marital, couple and family counseling and therapy

  • This course examines, applies and evaluates the theories, research, and processes that influence teaching, pedagogy, learning, and scholarship in counselor education. This course focuses on the philosophies of teaching and learning, pedagogical models, teaching perspectives, research around teaching theory and skills, as well as general and specific techniques involved in counselor education.

  • Analyzes the latest theories and techniques in counseling. Students are expected to review the literature on specific counseling techniques and identify their efficacy for use with specific counseling populations. Application of techniques to clinical problems is emphasized. Prerequisite: CSL 652 or CSL 686 or equivalent.

  • Examines theories and research for counseling culturally different clients. Exploration of cultural biases in the existing theories and current research is encouraged throughout this experience. Students will actively participate in experiential approaches designed to develop a higher skill base when working with and treating individuals from different socioeconomic/cultural/ethnic and religious backgrounds and those with varying sexual identities. This course is designed to maximize the effectiveness of culturally sensitive counseling approaches and interventions through the identification of differences and similarities of multicultural populations. Prerequisite: CSL 629 or equivalent.

  • Reviews and critically analyzes contemporary theories and research that impacts the practice of couples and family counseling and therapy. Emphasizes various contemporary approaches to couples therapy ranging from early systemic and modernists approaches to later systemic, integrative and postmodernists approaches. Critically reviews empirical findings on attachment, intimacy, relational conflict or parenting research and related clinical implications for a wide range of therapeutic and psycho educational interventions with couples and families. Prerequisite: CSL 687 or equivalent.

  • This course explores central contemporary issues in the counseling field associated with counseling leadership and advocacy as well as other advanced professional issues including legal and ethical issues. Leadership roles and responsibilities of the counselor to promote the profession, research, legislative policy, and organizational influence are explored. The counselor’s advocacy role is stressed as agents of change for clients, communities, systems, as well as at the policy level. Professional codes of ethics as well as virtue and organizational ethics serve as the foundation for analyzing the complex issues facing counseling professionals, including the evolving impact of federal; i.e., HHS and HIPAA, and state laws. The process of achieving and maintaining CACREP accreditation is also considered.

  • Addresses the development of advanced level skills and competencies in the practice of family counseling/therapy. Multiple systemic models for practice in a complex, multi-cultural society will be explored. Diverse and emerging contexts for clinical practice will be studied. These contexts include home, school and community-based settings, detention facilities, and health-care settings. Models and techniques from both the modernist and postmodernist traditions will be studied. Prerequisites: CSL 680, CLS 687, CSL 688, CSL 689 or the equivalent with permission from advisor.

  • Reviews the process of assessment and effective utilization of assessment data in working with individuals, couples and families in various clinical and human services contexts. Focuses on the relationship between clinical interviewing, formal assessment, case formulation and treatment planning. A wide variety of clinical appraisal methods, e.g., standardized inventories, structured observation, techniques and other self-report measures, are reviewed and critically evaluated. Students are encouraged to apply these assessment methods to a wide variety of individual, couple and family issues, e.g., alcohol/substance abuse, child abuse, custody, pre-marriage, marriage, divorce, mediation, work-family, and health problems. Prerequisite: EDU 621 or equivalent.

  • Presents recent developments, issues, and trends in counseling and its impact in the students’ scholarship and professional development as counselor educators and supervisors, as well as academics and researchers. The exploration of current counseling topics will be done in the context of scholarship, including academic writing and publications, professional papers and presentations, grant writing, and program evaluation.

  • Discusses the theories and models of counselor supervision. Requires students to develop a theoretically based personal model of counseling supervision. Prerequisites CSL 758 and CSL 767.

  • Emphasizes the process of supervising counselor trainees in laboratory and field settings. Stresses the integration of supervision theory and practice. Group supervisory meetings are required weekly. Prerequisites: CSL 784, permission of program advisor.

  • This course requires supervised field experience in a setting that provides significant opportunities to engage in advocacy and leadership. Students are expected to demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills in the implementation of advocacy competencies, as well as leadership within the counseling profession. Individual and group supervisory meetings are required weekly.

    Pre/Co-requisites: 766 Leadership, Advocacy and Advanced Professional Issues in Counseling.

  • Requires supervised field experience in a setting that provides significant opportunities to engage in marital, couple, and family counseling/therapy. Students are expected to demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills in the practice of counseling. Students will also engage in counseling-related activities, such as case preparation and note-keeping, treatment team meetings, and attendance of professional development workshops. Individual and group supervisory meetings are required weekly.

  • Requires supervised teaching experience that provides significant opportunities for students to participate in classroom teaching. Students will demonstrate teaching methods and strategies at the college/university level; explore topics such as adult learning, teaching and learning styles, and societal and cultural factors and their impact on teaching at the collegiate level. Individual and group supervisory meetings are required weekly.

  • Assesses researchable questions in counseling with application to family, couples, and marital counseling, resulting in completed intent to submit dissertation proposal form. Prerequisite: Successful completion of coursework and doctoral comprehensive examination.

  • Culminates the research of the doctoral program, methods of inquiry must be appropriate to the problem being investigated. Prerequisite: CSL 796.

  • Enrollment is required each fall and spring semester after completion of CSL 796 and 797 until the dissertation is successfully defended. Prerequisite: CSL 797.


  • A critical analysis of qualitative methods of inquiry for the human sciences to facilitate the understanding of the aims, processes, and outcomes of these methods. Prerequisite: hse 703.

  • Seminar discussions of qualitative readings to facilitate an advanced understanding of the qualitative perspective in nursing, education, and social work research. This course is specifically designed to assist students in particular methods for research and practice implications. In depth analysis distinguishes this course from first qualitative course. Prerequisite: hse 705.

  • Examines advanced competencies to conceptualize, design, execute, analyze, report and publish quantitative research that delivers new and useful knowledge. Balances its presentations of research theory and computer-based tools with applications to world problems. Prerequisite: hse 703.

  • Builds on principles of measurement, design and sampling presented in hse 707. Students learn to code, organize, reduce, and analyze quantitative data, and to interpret and report results. Emphasis on a variety of common statistical procedures, the assumptions underlying each, and the criteria for selecting them. Prerequisite: hse 707.

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